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Corona is wearing a mask to survive, but the wrong habits are losing teeth!

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  • The emphasis has been on wearing a mask since the onset of covid outbreak.
  • According to health experts, the double mask provides greater protection against the corona virus.
  • At this time dentists wear masks and pay special attention to oral hygiene. B
  • According to the experts, even a slight negligence can cause damage to the teeth.

This time the digital desk: The emphasis has been on wearing a mask since the onset of covid outbreak. According to health experts, the double mask provides greater protection against the corona virus. At this time dentists Mask As well as wearing, he said to pay special attention to oral hygiene. According to experts, the slightest negligence can damage the teeth.

According to physicians and health experts, prolonged use of double masks can lead to dry mouth and dehydration.

According to doctors, everyone breathes through their mouths. Wearing a mask slows down breathing. As a result, the face begins to dry. After wearing the mask, many people forget to drink water again. Then more than one small bacterium is born in the mouth. Bad breath is caused by these bacteria.

According to experts, bad breath comes from keeping the mouth closed for a long time and forgetting to swallow one’s own saliva. This problem occurs in people who stay in the ICU for several hours. Wearing a mask can cause bad breath, serious diseases of the teeth or gums. However, experts and doctors think that more research is needed on this issue. This requires a comparative study between those who wear masks and those who do not. However, this study is not possible at the moment. This is because not wearing a mask will increase the risk of covid infections. They do not think it is appropriate to conduct such a survey right now.

Note that Brazilian doctors conducted an online survey to find out if anyone was going to the dentist during this epilepsy. The mask is affecting oral hygiene, according to a study published in the journal Community and Preventive Dentistry.

According to this study, wearing a mask has reduced the habit of brushing among many. As a result, bad breath has started coming from the mouth. The survey also found that no one at the time was worried about yellowing of their teeth. Because wearing a mask would cover it and no one else could see the yellow stains on the teeth when they smiled.

According to researchers, ignoring oral hygiene increases the risk of tooth loss, gum swelling and periodontal infections. Therefore, in addition to wearing a mask, it is very important to adhere to the issue of oral hygiene. For this you have to drink water from time to time and keep your face clean. If you use a cloth mask, don’t forget to wash that mask every day.

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2021-07-04 08:51:42
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