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Corona Second Wave relied on sunlight! Why do experts say that?

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Own report: While the country was struggling to cope with the second wave of corona, the researchers came up with some shocking information. A small amount of sunlight can reduce the death rate of covid. A recent study found that the number of deaths from covidia is much lower, especially in countries with high levels of sunlight and UVA rays.

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A team of researchers from the University of Edinburgh conducted a study on the total death of covid in different countries of the American continent from January to April 2020. Studies have shown that areas where more than 95 percent of UVA rays are exposed to sunlight have lower mortality rates in Covid than in other regions. However, age, socio-economic status, population density, air pollution, infection rate, etc. are considered as factors in the study.

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Researchers claim that having more vitamin D in the body does not mean that corona is less likely to die. But what does corona have to do with sunlight? Researchers claim that when sunlight enters our bodies, nitric oxide is released from the skin, which is caused by Covid-19 (Covid19) The mother virus SARS coronavirus 2 succeeds. An earlier study by the same research team found that exposure to high levels of sunlight reduced the risk of high blood pressure as well as heart attack. In order to avoid the risk of covid, but in the end the experts will advise sunbathing? However, during the experimental research, they have not yet established an opinion on this subject.