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Corona spread from packaged frozen food? Find out the truth

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  • Chinese state media have suggested that Corona may be present inside or on top of Frozen Food.
  • In that case, if frozen meat is imported from another country, the place of origin of the virus may be another country.

This time the digital desk: Did the Corona virus enter the human body through Frozen Food? Such speculations have been coming to light since February 9. The WHO and a team of Chinese investigators are speculating on the origin of the SARS Cove-2.

According to members of the investigative team, frozen food was being sold at Hunan Market in China’s Wuhan Province. Note that the first corona virus was caught in Uhan province. “We know that these viruses may have survived in a cold, frozen environment,” Peter Ben Mbarek, head of the investigative team, told a news conference. However, we do not understand whether they can be infected in the human body.

Chinese state media have suggested that Corona may be present inside or on top of Frozen Food. In that case, if frozen meat is imported from another country, the place of origin of the virus may be another country.

However, it is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. Lawrence Young, a human virology specialist at the University of Warwick in the UK, said:

According to Young SARS COVE-2 An envelope virus. That is, it is covered by a fatty, lipid membrane that is used to infect the human body. From the preservation of imported frozen meat to its sale in the market, these meats are frozen and thawed. Virus membranes weaken during the preservation process. Once out of this shell, viruses cannot infect the human body.

Ji Han and Xiu Zhang and their colleagues conducted a review on behalf of Xian Xiaotang University. A review of the spread of corona infections through frozen food concludes that there is a ‘huge difference in knowledge’ about the role of frozen food. Frozen food Frequent temperature variations during storage and transport. No data has been found on how long the Sars Cove-2 can survive in freezing temperatures (-10 সেল C to -20 সেল C). That is what the party said.

Only one study attempted to gather that information. The researchers added the virus to the cubes of pork, chicken and salmon. No deficiencies in viral load were observed despite keeping the meat in a freezing temperature of -20 সেল C or 4 সেল C for 21 days. However, it is not yet clear whether this viral load can infect a person. This experimental parameter does not indicate the real world viral load or the status of the supply chain.

SARS COV-2 can get a rough time when frozen food is transported. When transported by air, the temperature can drop from -20 সেল C to -30 সেল C. Again the temperature rises during landing.

When transported by sea, the virus causes salty air problems. The amount of salt in the air can affect the number of viruses present in frozen food, said Julian Tang on behalf of the University of Leicester in the UK. Humidity variations during transport may also have a negative effect on SARS Cove-2. This is because if fluid is collected from the air at this time, the lipid membrane is likely to be disrupted.

Viruses may be present in the packaging of frozen food. In September 2020, two workers at the Qingdao port in China were found to be positive. It can be seen that out of 421 frozen cod packaging samples, 50 samples contain SARS COV-2. Another possible source of the virus is the presence of the virus in frozen meat or fish. “It would be safer if it was part of the meat,” Tang said.

Rodney Rohde, of Texas State University, said the fact that the virus was found on the packaging did not mean that it was in a stable condition that could infect human body cells. ‘Remember that any viral genetic material is found on any type of surface, even frozen surfaces. However, molecular PCR tests (which detect the presence of viruses) do not differentiate between viable or non-viable viruses.

If these viruses enter a human body in the Hunan market while they are active, the question remains as to how those frozen foods became infected. Young says that cooking kills viruses. In the same way, the gastric acid present in our stomach also destroys the virus. However, if the meat is raw or not cooked properly, then the person can also be infected through the upper respiratory tract during cooking or chewing food.

According to Tang, ‘After all, the chances of getting infected through frozen food are very low. But with one in a million, even if it happens once, it is enough to sow its seeds in the whole human race. From there it can spread to your body. ‘

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2021-07-04 09:48:11
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