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Cytokine Storm can affect covid patients! So if symptoms appear, do not ignore

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  • The country is devastated by the second wave of Covid.
  • This strain is more contagious than ever.
  • Cytokine Storm also increases the risk of covid patients such as blood clots, happy hypoxia and stroke.

This time the digital desk: The country is devastated by the second wave of Covid. This strain is more contagious than ever. Cytokine surges also increase the risk of covid patients, such as blood clots, happy hypoxia, and stroke.Cytokine Storm).

According to experts, at first it was thought that death was due to lack of oxygen. It is now known that blood clots inside the blood vessels can cause immobilization of the lungs and even death. Don’t Virus (CoronavirusCytokine Storm (Cytokine Storm) can be caused by this and related bacterial infections can also lead to death. To avoid all of these problems, heparin is applied to prevent blood clots in the veins. Cytokine storm (Cytokine Storm) Anti-IL 6 drugs are given to stop and various antibiotics are used to protect against bacterial infections.

What is this Cytokine Storm?
According to a new survey, COVID-19 About 20 to 30 percent of the patients admitted to this hospital have reduced immunity. In some cases, other parts of the body are damaged and there is even a risk of death. This is called cytokine storm.

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Cytokine is a chemical. The cells of the body make it. When a germ or virus enters the body, the body identifies it as external and tries to destroy it. This effort creates inflammation in the body. This inflammation first increases immunity. Later antibodies are made. In medical terms it is called Cytokine Storm. During the onset of the virus, the body produces signals that act on those chemicals. One of those chemicals, the cytokine level is so high that it spreads like wildfire. As a result, various organs are damaged while trying to heal the body. So even if the slightest symptoms appear, the longer it takes to start treatment, the more germs or viruses will reproduce in the body. And the greater the amount, the greater the severity of the damage.

When is Cytokine Storm?

Some experts also suggest that cytokine storms occur during the second week of recovery from infection. Kovid patients need to be very aware of this. They need to monitor every movement of the body. PhD MD Dr. Philip Mood said that in such situations some health professionals start prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs that cannot help patients recover.

According to doctors, the virus reproduces in the first five to ten days after entering the body. After that, in most cases, the virus is gradually eradicated. This is followed by cytokine storm in many cases.

The human body’s immune system fights with the virus to release inflammatory cytokines and other substances. This type of hyper-immune reaction causes damage to various cells and organs. As much as the virus is doing more harm than good, the immune system is doing more harm than good. As a result, many limbs are damaged. According to doctors, CBC, CRP, D-Dimer tests are being done to get the forecast of big danger or storm due to limb damage.

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2021-05-19 14:46:15
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