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Danger to ‘hack’ Facebook account!

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facebook logo .... 4343On social media, you will often get notifications of some comment mansions on Facebook. This means that someone has quoted your profile and made some comments on someone’s Facebook post. So, if you visit the link of that comment, you will see the scattering of hundreds of mansions. This means that many people have done this work. But why?

The answer can be found by reading the content of these posts. As I said at the beginning, these are actually spam. There is no gain without loss. If you use these methods to hack someone else’s Facebook account, then your own account may be the problem.

facebook false post sample

Recently, it has been noticed that some fake fan pages named ‘FB CEO Mark Zuckerberg’ are deceiving the users by telling them to register for ‘new service’. They say that if you go to the site and register, the Facebook account will be saved from becoming obsolete. If you look at the language and comments of these posts, you can understand that these are hoaxes. Be careful not to listen to these baseless words.

You will see some more spam posts like “Facebook account hacked in three minutes”. You will find some strange rules in it. For example, first you have to go to the browser console (developer tool) and paste a huge script given by that spammer. Then there are all the more bizarre instructions to comment, to go to the message option in those posts. But other people’s account cannot be hacked by spamming in this way. Instead, the security of your own account will be at stake.

If you follow the above methods of ‘hacking’, you will inevitably fall prey to spamming like auto tagging, auto posting etc. So without thinking of hacking other people’s Facebook account, let’s think of something good, let’s benefit others. Thanks.

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