Deadly white fungus from black fungus! Fear of epidemics

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New Delhi: The biggest challenge in the 2nd wave of Covid-19 virus was Black Fungus. This black fungus infection is spreading deadly among corona patients. On Thursday, the Indian government instructed all states to declare the disease as Pandemic. Terrible situation when India is infected with black fungus. Just then the White Fungus attacked. Some doctors claim that white fungus can be more dangerous than black fungus. In Bihar, 4 people have been infected with this fungus.

Experts believe that the white fungus may take a terrible shape in recent times. It does not only affect the lungs but also other parts of the body such as nails, skin, stomach, kidneys, brain, mouth and even the genitals. Doctors also say that the fungus affects the lungs just like the corona virus. The HRCT test also detects this infection.

No evidence has yet been found that the white fungus infection has spread to other states of India besides Bihar. However, experts fear from the Bihar incident that the white fungus could spread to India at the same rate as the corona virus. And it can be more deadly than black fungus.

Symptoms similar to Covid-19 were found in four patients in Bihar infected with white fungus. They were diagnosed with a lung infection. But the corona report of each of them comes negative. Just as HRCT scans are needed in severe covid patients, so are scans in white fungus infections. People with low immunity have a higher risk of becoming infected. Diabetes patients, who have to give too much oxygen for treatment, are extremely at risk for pregnant women and children.

On the other hand, yesterday Rajasthan declared black fungus as an epidemic. About 100 black fungus patients have already been admitted in different wards of Sawai Man Singh Hospital. Following the same path, the Telangana government has declared black fungus an epidemic.

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2021-05-21 07:35:31
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