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Delta Plus has more connections to lung cells than other species of covid!

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  • Besamal country hit by the second wave of Corona. The third wave of corona has already formed.
  • The eye-catching Corona Delta Plus variant.
  • The Delta Plus species coronavirus was identified on June 11.

This time the digital desk: Besamal country hit by the second wave of Corona. The third wave of corona has already formed. Corona’s eyes are red Delta Plus (Delta Plus) variant. The Delta Plus species coronavirus was identified on June 11. At present, 51 cases have been reported in 12 states, where people have been infected with Delta Plus. The list includes states like Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Punjab and Gujarat.

The new species of corona has more Delta Plus connections to lung cells than other species. This was stated by NK Aurora, Chairman, Corona Working Group of the National Technical Advisory Group (NTAGI). However, he said that having more effect on lung cells does not mean that Delta Plus makes them more seriously ill or more contagious. According to him, a case study of the victims can give an idea of ​​how much damage this new variant is doing. As the number of infected species increases, new observations will emerge.

The World Health Organization has already identified this new species of covid as deadly. The Delta Plus species has evolved from the Delta species. The Center has warned the states about this.

A woman infected with Delta plus with 2 doses of the vaccine, is agitated
According to the NTAGI chief, for those who have received one or two doses of the Covid Vaccine, Delta Plus may have mild side effects. “We can continue our strict monitoring,” he said. It is necessary to keep an eye on the infection (covid). So that information about the infection is available ‘. In this case, even the asymptomatic people can be infected with Delta Plus and can spread the infection. He added that the most important thing is that the delta plus has been quickly identified as a result of genetic surveillance. Various states have already been warned about this. Where the fate of Delta Plus (Delta Plus) is matched. There, corona-rules need to be enforced more strictly. Immunization must be increased in those districts of the country.

Note that, according to experts, Delta Plus (Delta Plus) can enter the human body and attack the lungs more quickly. The virus could spread by rapidly breaking down the cells that surround the lungs, the researchers said.

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2021-06-28 09:29:32
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