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Demand for dowry in marriage negotiations? The first thing to do in such a proposal.

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  • Getting married does not mean selling yourself completely.
  • Marriage does not mean that you will lose all your rights at home.
  • And so maintain your self-esteem

This time living desk: Titin’s love with Mitul is not very long. They decided to get married even after two years of love. Mitul is in government service. Has been in a good position for five years. His mother and father are both government employees. Titin is also associated with a job. Even if it is not very good, it can continue on its own. There was no objection to Mitul from Titin’s house. On the contrary, being a good boy and having a good family, they were pressuring Titin to get married. Mitul also has no objection to get married now. Preparations for the wedding began as there was no objection on the part of the couple.

The talk was about identity, when it could happen, where Titin will be after marriage. Because Mitul is a resident of another city. Titin’s parents are very happy because everything is in their mind. All the relatives also said that the marriage of the daughter is in front. Buying jewelry, buying sari, painting the house all started with a bang. This time it is Mahendrakshan. It’s time to dump her and move on. Before that, however, Mitul had made a long list. What to buy, what to look for in a new home. What kind of thing does he like? Titin thought that maybe they would do it together.

As a result, his enthusiasm was not lacking. But on the day of the speech, when Mitul’s father raised the issue of claims, Titin was surprised. He could not even think like that. Not only that, Mitul also handed over his list of favorites to Titin’s father. Titin’s mother, however, said, “One girl, we will take care of everything.” Although Titin’s father didn’t say anything, he was a little upset. Surprising everyone, Titin said, I want to think. Whether to do this marriage at all. He also wanted to talk to Mitul separately. He informed that it is not possible to get married. Has such a situation come up in your life? Or did someone you know have a problem? Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for antique items.

Not married in such a house- If love has been around for 10 years and the boy’s house hangs out like this at the time of marriage, then move away from that marriage first. Those who can take things like shameless to get such hands are very bad as human beings anyway. That no matter what the educational qualifications.

Getting married doesn’t mean selling out – Getting married does not mean selling yourself completely. Marriage does not mean that you will lose all your rights at home. And so maintain your self-esteem. Marriage means the bond between two families and relationships. Gambling means but from the beginning there is a possibility of a bad relationship. And the chances of the girl being happy in that house are very low.

The crime of gambling- It is a punishable offense under Indian Penal Code. This is stated in Articles 304B and 498A of the Constitution. So if someone raises the issue of betting, remind him once. If necessary, you can report it to the police. You can also take legal action.

Human demand increases- There is no guarantee that those who are looking for money and a bed today will not want anything bigger in the future. Because the demand of people increases day by day. And if that demand is not met, there are many problems. There are even examples of persecution that has gone so far. And so stand up first.

Gambling means being mentally ill- Today, no educated family takes a dowry for marriage. If you have to bring your own bed and cupboard from home after getting married, then why get married. Not only that, many boys still get married after seeing the financial condition of the in-laws. And those boys are also given special attention from their daughter’s house. That is why the girls have to stand against the betting system. It is better not to think of marriage if you feel unable to share the responsibility with someone else at the moment even if you have a job and stand on your own two feet. Instead, divert your thinking to good things in life. Girls keep themselves away from these sick boys.

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2021-04-30 14:36:19
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