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Do not call the child a danger by taking medicine in advance! – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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This time living desk: After the birth of the child, the parents become bewildered in the dream of raising him. He eats and drinks, studies and thinks about everything, good and bad. When the boy next door sneezed, the parents became worried about the younger member of their family. When the test and the result come out, the parents are more worried than the child, as if they are giving the test.
In fact, it is normal for parents to think about their children’s well-being. But it means that taking medicine before the risk of getting the disease means putting the child in danger. Do parents understand this?

Now let’s come to the real thing. The second wave of corona virus is spreading in India. The whole country is terrified. The death rate has also matched the disease rate. The World Health Organization (WHO) has given the advance notice of the third wave just when the people of the country breathed a sigh of relief in the second wave. Their advance warning is that a third wave of corona attacks in India may begin later this year. And children may be the main victims of that attack.

According to a recent claim in the SBI report, the third wave of Corona could take a deadly shape just like the second wave. However, in that case the number of days of illness may be reduced from 108 to 96. And children could be the main victims of this third wave. As a result, parents are already worried.

Although the impact of the third wave cannot be easily avoided, the disease can be brought under control as a result of immunization and improved health care. Opinion experts.

The incidence of juvenile delinquency may be higher, but so far no vaccination system has been introduced in the country. And with this thought, the parents have already started giving medicine to the children. Says a recent survey.

Parents are busy to increase the child’s immunity. Although pediatricians advise feeding the child nutritious food to boost immunity. If you start taking drugs as expected, there may be serious dangers in the future. And there is no need to drink health drinks day and night from TV advertisements. Health drinks contain steroids. Excess steroids are harmful to baby’s health.

The standard of living is guaranteed

Due to the lockdown, the daily routine of children has changed a lot. The habit of getting up in the morning is gone. Now I sleep a lot till noon. You have to take classes online at home. Sports are also somehow off. Eating and sleeping are not following the rules. According to pediatricians, this irregularity has led to a decline in children’s immunity. So their advice is to make it a daily routine for the little ones. Waking up, eating, studying, playing sports, falling asleep will all be ruled by the hands of the clock. Just like when I was in school. This rule is good for the health of children.

Feed, not medicine

Parents are starting to give immunity boosting medicine to the child as soon as they hear about the attack in the third wave. Quit this habit first. Feed more nutritious food, milk, vegetables, fish, meat, eggs. Get regular sports. Turn off junk food altogether. If you want to eat delicious food, make it at home.

Don’t have a child? These foods must be included in the baby’s diet every day
Need sleep, not phone

Stop playing with your child’s mobile phone first. Encourage them to sleep and spend time in sports without wasting time on mobile. They need eight to ten hours of sleep every night. Adequate sleep boosts the body’s immune system. Sports and physical activity do the same.

Controlled use of domestic totka

To increase immunity, give home remedies such as hot milk given with turmeric, lemon-lemon water, chewing gum etc. However, do not exceed any of the levels. All this makes the body hot. Petal disturbances also occur.


Make it a habit to eat milk-yogurt-puppy regularly. It increases energy. The body is stiff.

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Sports must

You have to play sports according to the rules. No need to go out, play on the roof, in the drawing room, in the yard or in the garden. He can’t meet his friend now, so be his own playmate. This will also be your body exercise.

Adults be aware

If there is a small member in the house, the adults should be aware first. The little ones listen. Crying, even after insisting, does not come out. But adults but he borrows everything. Shops, markets come from outside. If you continue to do this even during the third wave, you will not be able to save the youngest member of the household from being attacked by the disease. To protect the young member from the disease, rules like hand washing, use of sanitizer, regular washing of clothes, wearing of mask must be followed.

Explain the severity of the disease to the little ones like them. In this way the disease can be prevented. So do not harm the little ones by taking medicine in advance.

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2021-06-07 16:41:19
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