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Do not forget to eat these foods with yogurt, the immune system can be weakened!

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  • People are restless in the heat of Jaistha. Excessive heat causes dehydration and heat stroke in the body.
  • So it is important to drink pure water according to the needs of the body at this time.
  • There is no substitute for curd to replenish the water that comes out of the body by sweating in the heat.
  • In Ayurveda, yogurt is considered as nectar which is beneficial in various ways.

This time the digital desk: People are restless in the heat of Jaistha. Excessive heat causes dehydration and heat stroke in the body. So it is important to drink pure water according to the needs of the body at this time. Yogurt to replenish the water that comes out of the body by sweating in the heat (curd) There is no alternative. In Ayurveda, yogurt is considered as nectar which is beneficial in various ways.

If a bowl of cream in the diet Yogurt Drink (curd), but enjoy eating twice as much. Rich in calcium, vitamin B-2, vitamin B-12, magnesium and potassium. Eating yogurt in summer not only keeps the body cool, but also digests food quickly. Eating a bowl of yoghurt every day detoxifies the body. But there are 5 foods that should not be eaten with curd. This is because eating these foods with yogurt causes toxins and diseases Resistance Become weak.

Yogurt (curd) and onion
Many people like to eat raita of yogurt in hot weather, but if it is seen in real sense, then you should change this habit. Eating milk and onions together can cause acidity, gas, and even vomiting. As well as digestive problems. Yogurt is cold and onion produces heat in the body. So it is better not to eat these two foods together. The combination of cold and heat can cause skin rashes, eczema, psoriasis and allergies. Problems like gas, acidity and nausea can also start with this.

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Mango and curd
Do not forget to eat mango and yogurt together. Toxins are created in the body when the two play together. Although it is good to eat a bowl of yogurt with chopped mango. However, eating mango and yogurt is not good for our body. One cold and the other hot. Yogurt and mango play together to produce toxins in the body, as their effects are completely different from each other.

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Fish and curd
Do not eat fish with yogurt. It affects the body and causes various diseases. In fact, both fish and yogurt are rich in protein. So it is advisable not to eat together. Although many people eat yogurt and fish together, this is not right. If you eat yogurt with fish, you can get many diseases. It can have bad effects on the body. Indigestion can cause other stomach problems.

Many people eat yogurt with parotta. However, it should not be eaten in this way. This can lead to digestive problems. The combination of oil-fried foods with yogurt reduces digestion and makes you feel more lazy.

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2021-05-16 15:52:55
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