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Do not harm people with high blood pressure! These will give protection

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This particular killer virus is very harmful for patients with high blood pressure. In India, high blood pressure is considered to be a very serious disease.

It affects not only the heart but also the kidneys and the brain. Hypertension often results in mental fatigue, agitation, and anxiety in the patient.

The second wave of epidemics found that patients died after a heart attack. This is often the case with patients who have recovered.

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Experts say that weakening of the heart muscle can lead to such problems. However, patients with high blood pressure (high blood pressure) who have suffered from corona can stay healthy if they keep certain things in mind.

The period from 5 to 10 days of recovery is very important and special care should be taken in case of patients with high blood pressure.

1. Diet: Health experts say that patients with high blood pressure should pay special attention to their diet (diet for high blood pressure). Potassium-rich fruits and vegetables should be included in the diet daily.

It is important for them to eat vegetables and fruits like oranges, bananas, spinach and broccoli.

2. Sodium: Patients with high blood pressure need to reduce the amount of salt in their diet. In their case packaged food cannot be taken.

They contain high levels of sodium which can raise blood pressure.

3. Sleep: Adequate sleep at night has an effect on the body. 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night helps patients with high blood pressure to stay healthy.

4. Genetic testing: If someone in the family has had high blood pressure before, it can be passed on to other family members while maintaining that condition.

So he must get a genetic test because it will be a test of his overall health.

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2021-05-16 14:57:02
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