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Do not send the child to school too early, it can be harmful!

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  • If classmates are older than your child, your child may be under stress.
  • Experts warn that he may lag behind others in education and sports.

This time living desk: As the days go by, the day of enrolling the child in school is coming. Today’s children are starting to go to school much faster than the age at which we were admitted to school in our childhood. All parents are enrolling their children in preschool or play school before school. The small group is reaching the school with the bag on the shoulder and the legs are wagging before the words are uttered.

But be careful! Experts warn that this trend is harmful to children. They fear that schooling can affect their mental health from an early age. So like the experts, wait for the right age to enroll the child, without sending the child to school too early.

Why is it harmful to send children to school early?

In most families today, both parents work. As a result, many people choose day school for their children from a very young age to keep them safe. But before that you have to keep in mind that while enrolling the child in kindergarten, how old are his classmates there? If classmates are older than your child, your child may be under stress. Experts warn that he may lag behind others in education and sports.

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The study was conducted on 2085 children aged five to nine years. It has been observed that fear and insecurity work in children due to going to school at an early age and leaving the familiar environment at home. This often leads to behavioral problems in children.

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Experts say that whether it is preschool or play school, the child should not be admitted until he is at least three years old. It is feared that if they go to school before that, they may see various mental problems. Before sending your child to school, make sure that your child is able to sit still for a while, spend some time without parents, and listen to others and understand what they are saying.

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2021-06-22 17:09:53
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