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Do not take care of yourself for fear of additional costs? Then there are the free tips

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  • Gradually give up the habit of working ahead or having courage.
  • It reduces stress and physical exertion. Learn to say ‘no’.
  • Try your best not to get all the instructions or demands head on

This time living desk: Vidita is a housewife. He does not earn a single penny. But from five in the morning to twelve at night he is very busy. He has to take care of everyone in the family, take care of them, provide for them, calculate the money, do all the housework and cook. Going to rest for an hour at noon is no exception. One day an old member of the family fell ill. Sometimes in the afternoon guests have to prepare for the reception. There is more danger if you get a chance to sit on two bars.

Unbearable pain in shoulder, spine, waist. Throughout the day, the mood of the other person is tingling. He has to listen to criticism for that too. Bidita doesn’t even get time to shampoo once a week. The parlor is far away. Sometimes I think my body will take massage or spa to relieve pain. But he is silent thinking about the cost.

The calculation of money is in his hands. If you spend all that you have left to meet the expenses of everyone, you will have to give an explanation again. Sometimes he feels like a slave of the family. Goes to action. There is no hope of fruit.

Richao can compete with Bidita. He is active again. Although he earns money, he has to take care of his family. As he goes to work outside, he has to do more work to keep his mind occupied. Even today, members of the middle-class family have not been able to escape the sentimentality. So the evening tea is earned by eating boomer. Even Richar’s husband is waiting for Toaz. At the end of the day, Richard’s spine tingled as he lay in bed. The body is tired. The mind is more tired. But there is no way to get rid of that fatigue. The cost will increase as soon as it is removed.

Bidita or Richara is a part of our family or surroundings. Bidita or Richa can be seen in every house. Those who are forced to avoid the aspect of self-care while doing the toy of others. Family members have no time or desire to take care of it.

Experts say no one needs to be taken care of. Take care of yourself. Explain to your family members that if you are physically and mentally healthy then other family members will be fine.

Of course, the cost. But what if you can keep yourself well without spending?

First, make some changes in your habits. The changes need to be made in three main areasdaily routine, self-concept and sense of duty. No one helps you in your work. So wait until someone asks for help. Gradually give up the habit of working ahead or having courage. It reduces stress and physical exertion. Learn to say ‘no’. Try your best not to get all the instructions or demands head on. Let him know what you can’t do. If necessary, say ‘no’ directly. At first this may cause unrest in the house. But you will see that gradually the family members are getting used to it. But you also need to reduce your emotions.

Take care of yourself
Start with the kitchen. Calculate which kitchen items are bought unnecessarily. A lot of times some things have to be discarded after falling from day to day. Make a list of them. Don’t buy them in the future. Start trying to get everyone in the house accustomed to the same thing or food without having a separate market for everyone. Buy more than you need once a month. All these will save a lot of money.

Start communicating with old friends to keep a good mind. Don’t let neighbors talk about your family.

Wake up in the morning and spend at least half an hour with yourself. Do yoga. Listen to the song. Or sit alone in solitude. And if you want to keep yourself well for one or two days, make this habit your lifelong companion. And you must wake up every day and drink a glass of water.

Make changes to your night routine. If you waste too much time watching TV serials, you will have to go to bed more every night. So stop watching them slowly.

Make a large portion of the next day’s lunch overnight and refrigerate. It will not be a hurry to go to the office. If anyone in the house objects to this, just do not cooperate. In a few days he will be fine by himself.

Increase the total sleep time. Not three or four hours. Need eight to nine hours of sleep a day. As the sleep is not good, the body is full of fatigue. The body hurts. So sleep well.

Rest at noon. When guests arrive in the afternoon, order food online without arranging a party at home.

Set aside one to two hours a day just for yourself. At that time, do as you wish. Read books, listen to music, write, go for walks or whatever you want. At that time no one in the family needs to think.

Watch comedy and comedy movies instead of gossip or mother-in-law TV series. And like everyone else, you are an important member of the family. So you have rights at the expense of the world. If you feel guilty about this, you will be foolish. There is no point in earning it yourself. Keep some money for yourself from the expenses of the world. Spend that money on a parlor or body massage. It is not a luxury. Need.

Taking care of yourself does not mean selfishness. Rather, it can be said that if you are good at yourself, you can easily keep others good. So don’t think of yourself as selfish. Think of it as a family member. You will see that you can easily take care of yourself just like you take care of other members.

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2021-05-05 17:39:37
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