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Do you know who visited Facebook profile?

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You may have wondered many times, “Does my X occasionally visit my Facebook profile? I wish I could see! ” Or do they know the people you’re visiting on Facebook?

You may have noticed on LinkedIn that you get notifications when someone visits your LinkedIn profile. Do you want to get such notification in case of Facebook? Do you often wonder if that is possible?

So it is with great sadness that I tell you that it is not possible for any of you and me to know this thing. Because?

Because Facebook itself. Facebook is collecting thousands of data about our profile every day. Some of these things Facebook is showing only to you, some are showing publicly, some things are showing to your friends, and there are some things that Facebook does not open to anyone. Similarly, even if Facebook itself knows who is visiting your Facebook profile, it is not informing you.

Although Facebook did not provide any explanation in this regard, the following statement was found on their help page Gone

“Facebook does not allow anyone to track who has visited your profile. Even third party apps will not be able to give you this benefit. ” If an app makes such a claim, please report it to us against the app.

But you must have noticed that many Chrome extensions or third party web apps claim that when you connect your profile with their app they will let you see who has visited your profile.

But it is clear from the official statement of Facebook that third party apps will never be able to give you this benefit. Because third party apps may not know much about you outside of certain information on Facebook.

So these apps are basically looking at your personal information and contact info to show your profile visitors. Besides, many apps also claim money for talking about this feature. Basically these are just scams.

Different third party apps can lure you into showing you the lure of such features. As a result, you may lose your valuable ID. So it is wise not to use third party apps for the sake of these features. If you have already started using these services, quickly disconnect the services from your profile.

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