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Do you take frequent baths in the heat? Which water is more beneficial, you know.

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  • Hot means bathing five times a day instead of twice. But even in that, Knanti does not go away at all.
  • So take a bath this time but quite.
  • Soap, cold water, perfume, rose petals… and the heavenly feeling that comes after bathing with this mind, cannot be explained in words.

This time the digital desk: Hot means bathing five times a day instead of twice. But even in that, Knanti does not go away at all. So this time Bath But quite a lot to do. Soap, cold water, perfume, rose petals… and the heavenly feeling that comes after bathing with this mind, cannot be explained in words.

Doctors say that the habit of bathing for a long time to get rid of fatigue in hot weather is bad If you take a bath for a long time, you will get skin disease like eczema Whether it is hot or cold, bathing should never be done for more than 10 minutes So take a bath every day without being lazy. Be it winter or summer. When you are asked to take a cold bath in cold water, your soul dries up. And if called in the heat Bathe in hot water Do it, then you will come rushing! Find out before you rush.

It is better to take a bath in hot but hot water. That is not to say boiling heat at all. Take a bath in lukewarm water. Here are some of the benefits:

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The skin will remain soft
If you make it a habit to bathe in lukewarm water, your skin will be soft. The contraction and extension of the muscles of the body are just right. The pain is relieved. And if you can take a bath with a little basil leaves, then it is very relaxing.

It doesn’t feel cold
Those who have a cold habit can get good benefits if they can take a bath in warm water all year round. Cold-cough or phlegm will not sit. Also, if you take a bath three times a day, you will not be afraid of getting cold. There will be no problem of shortness of breath.

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Sleep is good
Try this test yourself. Bathing in cold water makes you feel comfortable and sleep is good. But Deep does not slip. And bathing in hot water makes you feel relaxed and sleep is better. Above all, you can stay stress free. And if there is no stress, the body will be cool.

Muscle relax
Those who do gym know, instructors say, to return from the gym to bathe in lukewarm hot water. Also everyone knows about steam bath. In fact, bathing in lukewarm water after hard work relaxes the muscles. Gets full rest. So take a bath in hot water from today to relax with coffee mugs and favorite books. And if you have bay leaves and cloves in stock, throw them in the water. At the moment the relaxation will be doubled.

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