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Does the child respond verbally to anything? Find out what to do

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  • As your child grows older, explain to them what are good habits and what are bad habits.
  • It is a bad habit to talk in the mouths of adults, as if this habit was known to him even before he was formed.

This time living desk: As our child progresses from small to large, there are some changes in his behavior. Not all of these changes are good. Many of them have bad habits at this age. It is your job to discover what that is and to bring it about.

One of the bad habits of growing up is the habit of verbal communication. It is seen in many children, when their parents come to complain about something or if they forbid something, they also respond by raising their voices. Experts say that this habit is not uncommon in growing children. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.

Here’s what to look for and tactics to help ease the way.

* When your child is growing up, explain to him what are the good habits and what are the bad habits. It is a bad habit to talk in the mouths of adults, as if this habit was known to him even before he was formed.

* Explain to him the difference between good and bad habits. Explain to him well what are the advantages of having good habits and what are the disadvantages of having bad habits.

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* If the child answers verbally, do not get angry at that time. Give him a chance to say everything calmly.

* Anger or rule Bad habits of the child Don’t try to skip. This may increase his stubbornness. Try to make him aware of this.

* Children Don’t overlook the fact that you have to answer for it. Ask him out well if he is no longer absorbed in the connection.

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* Even after explaining, if the verbal answer does not stop, then it must be a little strict.

* Children often say a lot of things that they do not think. So do not go to find out the meaning of all the words. Sometimes try to keep them busy with other things.

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2021-04-19 17:48:25
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