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Does your child gnash their teeth while sleeping? Learn the causes and solutions

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  • Older children do not usually have a tendency to grind their teeth.
  • However, multiple studies have shown that they grind their teeth at night due to fatigue and anxiety.

This time living desk: Many children grind their teeth while sleeping at night. This is called bruxism. Many babies do this usually at the age of 6 months due to gingivitis and headaches. However, with age, this habit disappears. But in the case of some children, the habit persists with age. In many cases, even after adolescence or adulthood, dental care does not go away. If your child is grinding his teeth in this way, be careful now.

According to the survey, teeth whitening is one of the major causes of sleep deprivation in children. It can cause gum pain if it becomes a habit. Again a layer on top of the teeth begins to break down.

The reason for grinding the teeth of young children

2 out of 10 children have this habit. However, they do this only when new teeth come out. This habit goes away on its own when all the teeth come out.

In addition to all these reasons, children also gnash their teeth

1. This can happen if you have front and back teeth.

2. Some children gnash their teeth even though they have ear pain.

3. This problem occurs in children during the treatment of some diseases.

Causes of tooth decay in older children

Older children do not usually have a tendency to grind their teeth. However, multiple studies have shown that they grind their teeth at night due to fatigue and anxiety. In addition:

1. Many people grind their teeth even though they are scared.

2. Teeth grind while sleeping at night while taking medicine.

3. Not having teeth in one line can be a reason for older children to brush their teeth.

4. Kids grind their teeth even if they have stomach problems. In this case, worms in the stomach is one of the reasons behind tooth decay.

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Teeth grinding can cause various problems

During the day, the baby does not grind its teeth. But this habit cannot be controlled while sleeping at night. There are a number of signs that children may be gnashing their teeth.

1. Headache.

2. Ear pain.

3. Gum pain.

4. If your teeth are moving or cracked, you should understand that your child is grinding his teeth.

5. Having trouble chewing food. Because they have difficulty in moving the gums.

. Not being able to open the mouth completely.

. Damage to the upper and lower jaw lines.

. There are signs of cuts inside the cheeks due to tooth grinding.

9. Due to the high pressure, the teeth become front and back.

10. Sleep disturbances.

11. Cold, hot and sweet toothache.

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How to control this habit

If this habit persists in older children due to depression, then they should emphasize adequate sleep and exercise.

1. Do not allow them to use devices like TV, mobile phone, laptop, tab before going to sleep. They become more excited after watching a show or playing a game before going to bed and start gnashing their teeth unnecessarily while sleeping at night.

2. Don’t let kids lose sleep. Keep the bedroom environment calm. Excessive light and low or high temperatures cause children to lose sleep.

3. Get them into the habit of going to bed early. Ask them to sleep for 7-8 hours.

4. Do not allow them to drink caffeinated beverages such as tea and coffee in the evening. This will result in late sleep.

5. Ask them to do yoga, meditation to reduce mental fatigue or anxiety.

. If children have gritted teeth due to any dental problem, do not delay to take them to the dentist.

. If the child becomes more anxious after taking any medicine, consult a doctor immediately.

. If mental problems and fatigue increase a lot, discuss this issue with psychologists.

If depression is one of the causes of bruxism, then try to keep your child happy. Get to know their minds. Encourage exercise to increase physical and mental growth.

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2021-06-12 15:52:28
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