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Don’t eat extra food – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Don't eat extra foods

Many are hungry and eat whatever they can get their hands on. In fact, it is normal for anyone to be preoccupied with hunger. However, in such a situation, even some simple food can bring danger. Surprising to hear, it is absolutely inappropriate to take some food during extreme hunger. Let’s find out the foods that should not be eaten even if you are hungry-

* Results:
We have all heard that there is no need to eat fruit on an empty stomach. It is not possible to stay long after eating an apple or a banana. As a result, your feeling of hunger will return quickly. So you can eat any food with protein by adding it. Fruits can be eaten with a small amount of nuts, peanut butter or cheese.

* Orange, coffee or sauce:
All these foods create acidity when eaten on an empty stomach. This creates the possibility of stomach upset. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach is especially harmful for those who have gastric problems.

* Biscuits or chips:
A small packet of biscuits or chips does not stay in the stomach for long. The carbohydrates in them will be digested in a short time. As a result, you will start to feel hungry quickly. In that case you can eat any food with 250-300 calories. For example, a sandwich or a cake.

* Salty foods:
Many people are a little late for lunch. So at this time, many people get rid of this episode with what they have at hand. And in this case, many people choose salty foods. But this habit can bring danger. This can create problems with your digestion. In addition, eating salty foods on an empty stomach has a direct effect on your stomach. So you can eat milk or yogurt before taking salty food. This will reduce the effect of salt on the stomach.

Health – Jamuna Television
2020-12-03 06:38:04
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