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Easy Way To Grow Hair – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Here are some simple steps you can take to begin the process of preparation for mediation. Fertilizer has to be given and care has to be given for the growth of the tree. I also want regular care for hair growth.

Hair growth can be accelerated in a simple way in the gap of regular living.

And in this regard, Indian aromatherapist and esthetician Dr. The tips on Blossom Kochhar’s website can be followed. Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation.

Castor oil

Castor oil is rich in raisinolic acid and omega-6 fatty acids which when massaged on the scalp increase blood circulation and accelerate hair growth.

For best results, mix one teaspoon of castor oil with one teaspoon of wood-almond and olive oil and massage on the scalp for 10 to 15 minutes. Then wash off after 20 minutes. Use once a week will speed up hair growth.

Pay attention to the food

Attention should be paid to what is being eaten. It is necessary to take 50 grams of protein in daily diet. Hair loss, thinning and thinning are more likely to occur if there is a change in eating habits or a lack of protein in the daily diet to lose weight.

Therefore, it is necessary to eat pulses, eggs and meat to meet the demand for protein.

Onion juice for long hair

Onions are rich in sulphate which helps in hair growth. Instead of focusing on the strong smell of onion, focus on its quality.

If it is beneficial to accept the discomfort of smell, then onion juice can be applied on the scalp.

Apple cider vinegar to keep the scalp clean

Like facial skin, scalp needs regular scrubbing. This removes dead cells and maintains the pH balance of the hair.

Apple cider vinegar is effective in hair growth. You can drink if you want. It is beneficial for both skin and hair.

You can also wash your hair with water mixed with this vinegar. However, its excessive use can increase hair fall. So it is enough to use twice a week to get good results.

Massage the head

Massaging the scalp works great for hair growth. If you want, you can massage your head with or without oil.

Massage from the middle of the head to the ends of the hair.

Massage the middle part of the head in a circular motion 25 times. Then massage again with three fingers 25 times after a while.

This is how the bone on the side of the ear should be done. Massage in this way for five to seven minutes at any time will be beneficial.

It increases blood circulation, helps to keep hair healthy and long.

Also try to stay away from stress to keep the hair good. Try to stay calm. So to be good, you have to control your mind and try to live a healthy and beautiful life.

NH, 13 May