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Every day a whole lemon to subdue Corona! Learn when and how to eat

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  • The body needs immunity to survive from corona
  • As a result of this ability, not only syphilis, but any chronic disease can be easily fought
  • And to increase the resistance to this disease, lemon is very necessary

This time the digital desk: The body needs immunity to survive from corona As a result of this ability, not only syphilis, but any chronic disease can be easily fought And to increase the resistance to this disease, lemon is very necessary

Lemons contain vitamin C6 Physicians repeatedly during epidemics Vitamin C Advising to eat 6 The body of an adult needs 85 to 90 mg of vitamin C daily The only thing Lebui can do is to fill it Lemon can also reduce the risk of stroke by lowering high blood pressure Lemon also increases digestion Lemon is very important in maintaining strong digestion If there is a problem with digestion, the body’s resistance becomes weak Constipation is also avoided by eating lemon The body gets rid of toxins The most effective ingredient in the body is antioxidants It protects our body cells from damage Antioxidants also help build the body’s immune system According to nutritionists, eating lemongrass in the morning boosts the body’s immune system, which helps you fight off external germs.

How to make?
Put 1 to 2 tablespoons of lemon juice in a glass of warm water. Mix one-fourth of one tablespoon of salt with it. You can also give one-fourth of a tablespoon of honey. But giving honey depends on your desire. Then drink the mixture.

Poisoning can be created from these news if not cooked properly!

Never eat
According to experts, you should mix lemon juice and salt in warm water and eat it twice a day. It enhances immunity by adding vitamin C to the body. It can also be eaten with green tea at any time of the day. Thus lemon juice can be drunk twice a day. Experts say it will increase immunity. Not only drinking lemon juice, according to experts, lemon can be eaten with lunch every day. If you have lemon in your daily diet, heart problems and kidney problems will be eliminated. The skin will be beautiful too.

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2021-04-29 15:49:39
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