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Ex is constantly texting even after breakup! Do you know the reason? – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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  • There are some people who are always there
  • He understands nothing but his own business.
  • They always have some or the other demand

This time living desk: Saptarshi broke up with Titus several months ago. They had love for three years. Although the cause of the breakup is the bear itself. Titus was aware of love from the beginning. Parashuna, like the song, also looked at love seriously. But he did not understand that he would be deceived in this way. Later he saw that there were some mistakes in his thoughts. In the end, the two decided to break up. Although it was difficult to accept at first, Titus later accepted. He dived into his own work. The whole focus was on his career. But I couldn’t tell anyone why the breakup happened with the bear. The context was always avoided. He even reduced the mix with friends. Better a poor horse than no horse at all. It’s not that he didn’t feel bad about losing his friends, but he was getting used to it.

Saptarshi used to call occasionally. Wanted to meet But Titus did not say that. But sometimes he would text Titus. Titus took the news. How is the study going on, is there anyone new in life? He also said why Titus can’t think of him as a friend after the breakup. Titus was very upset to hear this, but he answered with a cold head. Saptarshi sometimes suffers from guilt in the answers. Instead, Titus’ desire for revenge was aroused. At one point, Saptarshi was forced to block social media. But why such behavior after the breakup? Does your ex use the same with you? Often annoyed by text? Find out the reasons behind this-

They are always on their own – There are some people who don’t understand anything except their own business. They always have some or the other demand. If you wish for any good news or call at 12 o’clock on your birthday, then he has no problem. That is why they do not want to leave behind.

First breakup- First love remains in everyone’s mind. So even if the partner breaks the relationship on their own, they still feel guilty. But there is a breakup. But do not melt the words of such people. They are deadly.

Want to get closer- Many times misunderstandings also break up. And after that many people have the mentality that one has to come close to an excuse. After the breakup, many became ex-friends on their own. But not everyone can do that. There are some people who think that even if there is a problem, the ex will save them from it.

Forget everything and want to be one- Breakups are often about long. Couples see themselves through time. Keep busy like yourself. It shows that after two years, they are reunited and they have started living together. But the story is not the same for everyone. So many people want to keep in touch with the urge to come back.

If the cause of the breakup is not clear- Any separation is hard. And if it is one-sided. Suppose you loved your partner very much. Couldn’t think of a breakup. But one day your partner suddenly left you. And you didn’t realize your mistake. Even from such incidents, many X texts again and again.

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2021-06-20 15:08:16
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