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Exercise to avoid coronavirus – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Care should be taken in exercising during an epidemic.

There are many more benefits to regular exercise, including keeping the body healthy, losing weight, and strengthening the immune system. Even a healthy person needs to exercise for at least half an hour every day to maintain good health.

There are different types of exercise. Many people have changed their exercise routines to avoid getting infected with the coronavirus.

The gym is closed, it is risky to go out of the house, so it is best to exercise at home as much as possible.

It is important not to build a muscular body by doing different types of exercises but to stay healthy in the midst of physical exertion during this epidemic.

A report published on a physical education website highlights the importance of exercising during this coronavirus and the do’s and don’ts.

Exercise enhances immunity

Exercise plays an important role in maintaining the body’s metabolism and immune system. In addition, regular exercise protects the body from inflammation, expelling harmful chemicals, bacteria and some viruses. Exercise also increases the levels of antibodies and white blood cells that fight disease, which protects against the disease.

Heavy exercise is risky

Doctors at the American College of Sports Medicine claim that heavy exercise can increase a person’s risk of developing Covid-19. One of their studies, published in the journal Current Sports Medicine, states that heavy exercise can put a strain on the immune system, even weakening it.

As a result, the risk of getting infected will increase. Experts advise those who are relatively at risk of developing Covid-19 to be extra careful and refrain from over-exercising.

The reason for the high risk

According to experts, heavy exercise is more stressful on the body. Some of these hormones secreted during exercise temporarily inactivate or suppress the immune system. And if anyone comes in contact with the coronavirus at that time, the consequences can be terrible.

Excessive physical activity, like all other beneficial habits, can have devastating effects.

Coronavirus-that exercise is safe

No one is talking about eliminating heavy exercise, but experts are encouraging people to stay in the midst of physical activity.

Walking, running, getting up, bookdoning, stretching, jumping rope, plank, cycling, etc. are some of the exercises that will keep the body fit enough.

Gymnasiums are open, members are going to exercise. If you are one of them, remember that your security is in your hands. The gym authorities may take some action, but it will never be enough.

So try to keep as much distance from others as possible.

It will be safe to exercise after the mask. Must have hand sanitizer with you. Exercise equipment will be used by more than one person, so everyone should be sterilized as much as possible before and after use. Hands should be washed with soap before and after exercise.

Sweat wipes should be kept on your hands or neck the whole time, not on any equipment. Do not go to the gym if you are sick.