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Facebook brings new commemorative feature “On This Day”

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on this daySa.Magic communication Site Facebook An experimentally new feature Launched Which will remind you of old memories. “On this dayThis name option will take the user one year ago. That is, using the On This Day feature allows you to travel to the current date exactly the same year earlier.

For example, if you click on the On This Day option today, July 31, 2013, you will see what you and your friends have shared on Facebook since this date in 2012. It uses a different algorithm than showing the posts in chronological order, which you think would make more sense. Facebook.

As mentioned earlier, this new feature is currently being tested and may not be available to everyone. You can still check the “On This Day” option by clicking on the “SORT” button (with down arrow) at the top right of your newsfeed (Facebook homepage).

Of course, the On This Day feature is not a new idea on Facebook. The company also launched a similar filter in August 2011.

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