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Facebook company name change – a lot of new things are coming

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Rumors have been circulating for some time that the name of Facebook is going to be changed. However, Facebook is not a website here, Facebook is not mentioned. It is talking about all the services provided by Facebook including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp. Finally, Facebook has announced to change the name of the company.

At the Connect event on Thursday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that the company’s new name is going to be Meta. “We’re an organization that builds communication technology,” Zuckerberg said. He added, “Together we can bring everyone into technology. And it will be possible to build a large-scale economy together. ”

Zuckerberg said that the name change of Facebook as a company is a reflection of what kind of company and what kind of products Facebook will bring in the future. He added that although the name of the company has been changed, other products will continue as usual.

Many thought that the name of the Facebook service would change. I would like to inform those who had such fears that the name of the Facebook app or Facebook website is still “Facebook”.

You may know that Instagram, WhatsApp are also owned by Facebook. Until now, all these services were under the control of Facebook company. Now the name of the Facebook company is being changed to “Meta”, as a result of which the mentioned apps and services are moving under the new company name Meta.

As you may remember, in 2015 Google was their parent company Changes the name Kept the alphabet. Basically the same thing is going to happen here. Facebook is going to change the name of their parent company.

With the new name came parent company, meta, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp and Oculus. The name of the Facebook app on your phone will be the same as before. 3 Find out the answers to 5 popular questions about Facebook Metavers.

Mark Zuckerberg hopes that over time, everyone will see Facebook as a metaverse company. The @meta tutor handle is controlled by Mark Zuckerberg. However, the tweets of this account are still protected. The website, on the other hand, is currently being redirected to a welcome page on Facebook.

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At the same time Mark Zuckerberg is the owner of a new title. He is currently the founder and CEO of Facebook’s parent company “Meta”. The name change is part of a plan to turn Facebook into a metaverse, something Zuckerberg has been saying for some time.

Facebook's new company name

Mark Zuckerberg said in a blog post that the company’s corporate structure will not change, but the financial results will change. Earlier, the stock was traded under the “FB” ticker, but from now on, the company’s shares will be traded under the name “MVRS”.

3 Get to know the new features of Facebook Metavers

Through the new name, Meta, Facebook hopes to change from a social media company to a Metaverse company. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are going to be the providing elements of Facebook’s idea of ​​creating a “Metaverse Company”.

The company recently unveiled a project called Horizon Wokrooms, which allows meetings to be held in VR. Also on display were two more products, “Horizon Home” and “Horizon Venues”. CTO Andrew Bosworth said that all VR products will come under the umbrella of “Meta Horizon” brand. Meta will hire about 10,000 new employees from Europe for the new company.

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A few days ago, Frances Haugen, a former employee of Facebook, leaked some important files about Facebook to the Wall Street Journal. These files allege that Instagram, owned by Facebook, is a harmful platform for young people. Since then, a new conflict has started with the social media platform, Facebook.

According to many, Zuckerberg has decided to change the name of the company to move forward leaving these problems behind. Many are looking at it as a good initiative, because from now on each platform will have a parent company, Meta, to monitor separately. Now it remains to be seen what will change with the new name.

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