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Facebook hacking! – Tech

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Hacker! As soon as we hear the name of the character seen in the movie! In the blink of an eye, by typing some buttons on the keyboard, typing something on the computer, something is hacked instantly! I see in some movies nowadays do not have to do that! One blows the area’s electricity by pressing his watch, another presses a button hidden in the bracelet to turn off the mobile network, what more! But hacking is so straightforward! Come to work without going to those places! Facebook hacking! How many groups, pages, inbox people claim that a Faebook ID will be hacked and in return he will have to pay some fee! Facebook hacking is a lot of media For the time being they are not working Yes! I will tell you some of them and explain a little why it is not possible to hack with them!


♦ Hooking

Dictionary Attack

Cookie Stealing



7 SS7 Flow Attack

Bruteforce: Many times it seems that if we try with the password in the password box one by one, then at some point we will get the correct password! Yes Brutforce works by following this method! It automatically tries one password at a time through a specific program! But sadly, because of the rate limit * on Facebook, Brutforce will not work, and if the password is strong, it may take a few years to find a password on a normal device through Brutforce!

* Rate limit is a method for which if someone submits more than a certain amount at a certain time, his device is temporarily blocked! So there is no benefit in trying it!

Hooking: Hawking is when you connect another computer’s browser to your computer! This is a lot of phishing scams because it sends a notification prompt to the victim’s browser, and when the victim clicks, the saved password in his browser goes to Attacker! However, if the victim is a little clever, this method will not work! This is done through a tool called BeEF on Kali linux OS! It will take time to tell the details! So it is better not to say for now! I will tell you some other day!

Dictionary Attack: Brutforce is the same! A random password is generated on a blank bruteforce and uses a pre-created wordlist / password list!

Cookie Stealing: Many websites come up with a prompt about cookies! Through cookies, a website recognizes a specific user’s device! This hack is possible only if you can somehow take the cookies of any browser’s Facebook! But sadly all modern browser cookies are encrypted! So it is not possible to take!

Access: The way spammers hack Facebook ID! They can hack your ID by submitting a Fake NID Card in your name and take access! It is difficult to make a fake NYD card and it is safe to say that it is not hacked like this due to Facebook’s recognition system update!

Phishing: Maybe everyone knows it! Needless to say more about it! By creating a fake page, the victim can be fooled and the password can be manipulated! Of course, if you are not too stupid, no one will wear it! shadowave / z-shadow These are good phishing sites! Of course, you can do this by opening the website yourself!

SS7 Flow Attack: The most advanced method here! The mobile number is accessed and hacked with the reset code from the sms sent by Facebook! However, this method is so complicated that even professional hackers can take a lot of time!

There are many more mediums! Exploit, backdoor, USB steeler! However, these are more complicated!

Some tips: Not made for mobile hacking! You need a computer! You can do small penetration test with mobile! This requires Kali Linux’s Nethunter OS or Termux Emulator! Of course, nothing is possible without rooting! Not all phones are the same again! Google Nexus phones are good for these uses! And you will not get ID password with any app on mobile! These are fake! They steal your personal information! That’s all for today! I will give more details about other topics in another post some other day! Stay with the website! Share the website more! Stay well! Allah Hafez!


[পোস্ট কপি করা মানে আপনার সততায় ক্রুটি!পোস্ট শেয়ার করলে দয়া করে ক্রেডিট দিবেন!ধন্যবাদ]

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