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Facebook Home built for Android failed?

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facebook-homeBeing the most widely used smartphone operating system in the world Android. And the most popular social networking site Facebook. On the other hand, most users browse Facebook from mobile. Take advantage of these three principles to take possession of the Android phone Created the ‘Facebook Home’ app Mark Zuckerberg’s company. But what is the current status of this home application built only for Android?

Facebook Home didn’t really succeed. Within days of launching on the Play Store Downloaded more than 5 lakh times The app was done. But then the software could not go far. At a significant rate in the Play Store Got negative reviews, Which is undesirable for a company as big as Facebook.

Facebook has not been updating the home app since last January. And the New York Times WritingThe company has already disbanded Home’s core development team. Although Facebook says they are still working on the home app.

Facebook Home in the Play Store Still online. However, Facebook’s strategy with the app has changed. Facebook is now splitting its services as attempts to take over smartphones all at once through a single app like Home have not been successful. For example, a few days ago the company from the original Facebook app Excluding messaging feature Decided. As a result, if you want to chat now, you need to have Facebook Messenger app installed on your smartphone in addition to Facebook’s basic app. Besides Slingshot There is also a new photo messenger app called Released Facebook. Now let’s see how Zuckerberg’s new app strategy works.

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