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Facebook launches new ‘trending’ feature

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facebook logo .... 4343The social networking company is going to launch a new service along with the newsfeed of the Facebook site. With this feature called ‘Trending’, users will get a personalized list of Facebook posts related to the content of their interest. In this way, the topics discussed all over Facebook Can be seen.

The desktop version will have a brief description of each trend at the top right of Facebook Home so that users can find out about the main section by clicking and see the list of posts and articles related to that topic.

Trending topics will use a special algorithm for selection Facebook. In this case, not the number of posts – but their popularity and relevance will be the main preoccupation.

According to a Facebook spokesperson, not all popular posts on Facebook will always be on the trending list. It will be on the trending list when the subject continues to receive mansions at a rapid rate.

At this moment, no sponsored or promoted content will appear in the trending post. Promoted content appears on Twitter’s trending list. However, it cannot be said for sure that this will not happen on Facebook in the future.

Facebook copied another feature from Twitter through the trending topic list. Mark Zuckerberg’s team copied Twitter’s most popular hashtag last year. Earlier, Facebook also started using the term follower of Twitter.

The release of the trending feature on Facebook has started from Thursday. In the next few weeks, it will be available on desktops and mobiles of other Facebookers around the world.

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