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Facebook’s AI researcher explains the ‘biggest misconceptions’ about artificial intelligence

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No one can be found in this age who has access to digital media but has artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence (AI) Has not seen any movie where mankind is challenged by robots.

“2001: A Space Odyssey” The movie “HAL ” Or “Ex-Machina“Movie”AVAUntil now, all robots have seen human feelings like happiness-sorrow, laughter-cry, anger-emotion.

So is the same thing going to happen in the near future where there will be a kingdom of intelligent robots?

But Ian Lekun, director of Facebook’s artificial intelligence research team (Yann LeCun) Says, The humanoid emotion of the future robots is a big misconception. Let’s find out more about this.

Misconception # 1 – Sophisticated robots will have feelings

In the present world artificial narrow intelligence (ANI) The idea of Robots are being built based on which can only do certain tasks such as geometry solves, stock market calculations, etc. According to Ian Lekun, “AI They will be specialized and unfeeling. ” This means that artificial intelligence will not be as dangerous as we see it in movies.

Misconception # 2 – Robots will create feelings on their own

Feelings among robots will only develop when they are programmed. Basically these will not have the ability to do anything other than a specific to-do list. And feelings like anger, love, etc. will never be programmed like in the movie because they will hinder the work.

Misconception # 3 – The robot will feel like a human

According to Ian Lekun, robot programs are designed to display human emotions, but they will never be like real human emotions. A..I.. There will never be any destructive feeling in them unless we program it. “I don’t think anyone will do that,” said Mr Lekun.

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