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Feed the baby bottle milk? Be careful! There may be various problems

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  • When they have reached the age of bottle feeding, make it a habit to make them drink milk with the help of cups.
  • Rinse the bottle well and fill it with milk. So that no bacteria can enter it.

This time living desk: Many babies drink milk in feeding bottles. In the case of some children, this habit persists for a long time. However, according to the doctors, it is better to give up the habit of bottle feeding after about 18 months. Bottle feeding is easy, but if the baby is hungry on the street or anywhere else, it is easy to bottle feed.

Did you know that bottle feeding can be harmful? Breast milk is healthy for at least 6 months. However, in some cases it is recommended to drink milk by bottle. Learn about the dangers of bottle feeding:

The risk of diarrhea remains

Bottle feeding increases a baby’s risk of diarrhea. Germs can enter the body through the nipple of the bottle. Here microorganisms get stuck and can enter the body while drinking milk. In such cases, the risk of diarrhea increases in children who are underweight or have any other disease. So bottle feeding should be done as little as possible.

Microplastics can enter the body

Baby feeding bottles are made of polypropylene. Bottle nipples are also made of polypropylene. It is a type of thermoplastic polymer. According to a 2020 study, feeding infants with these bottles increases the risk of microplastic exposure. Especially when hot milk is given in a bottle, fine parts of microplastics come out from it. These microplastics are harmful to baby’s health. As a result, the baby’s growth rate slows down.

Lack of nutrition

Mother’s milk contains various nutrients which are essential for the physical and mental development of the baby. From breast milk the baby naturally contains calcium, protein, vitamins, magnesium and carbohydrates. However, these nutrients cannot enter the body in the right amount in the marketed powdered milk. Lack of nutrients can lead to other physical problems.

Lung problems

Drinking bottled milk can reduce the risk of choking. Babies often fall asleep while drinking milk and the milk filling bottle sticks in their mouths. At that time the milk gets stuck in the throat and can block breathing. As a result, there is a possibility of shortness of breath. There is even the possibility of various problems related to the lungs. So if you drink milk with a bottle, stay around the baby.

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Immunity may also be weakened

Breast milk contains immune-boosting ingredients such as vitamins A, C and protein. Bottle milk, on the other hand, contains certain substances that can interfere with the absorption of nutrients. As a result, the immune system is likely to be weakened.

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That is the precaution to be taken

1. When they have reached the age of bottle feeding, make it a habit to make them drink milk with the help of cups.

2. Rinse the bottle well and fill it with milk. So that no bacteria can enter it.

3. There is no need to pour hot milk in a plastic bottle. This can have adverse effects on the child’s health.

4. Wet bottles can be infested with germs and bacteria, so wipe the bottle thoroughly after washing.

5. Don’t let babies drink bottled milk for too long.

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2021-06-09 16:17:56
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