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Feeling sick after vaccination is complete, what to do? – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Immunity experts hope that an antidote will not only help fight a disease, but also be effective in reducing infections. But whether a person can infect another after taking the antidote to covid is still unclear.

A big problem with diseases like covidosis is that many people without symptoms are wandering around us. There are also people who may not have symptoms yet, but they can infect others. Many scientists believe that there are far more asymptomatic people in any area than there are covids. So their number was never known. But they can easily infect more people.

After taking two doses of antidote

If you think you have come in contact with an infected person after the vaccination is complete, but have no symptoms, then there is no need to test for covidosis, the US RDC recently said. However, if symptoms do occur, they should be examined immediately. Even if the vaccination is complete, the effects may not be severe. The chances of hospitalization are also low. But you can infect someone who has not been vaccinated. Therefore, it is necessary to test for covid and if the result is positive, it is also important to stay in seclusion.

How effective the antidote is

Each of the few covid antidotes that are still available on the market is quite effective. But keep in mind that no antidote is 100 percent effective. So even after vaccination, there is no guarantee that a person will not get the disease, or that they will not spread the virus.

What is a breakthrough infection?

If someone still has covid infection after the vaccination is complete, it is called a ‘breakthrough infection’. When someone becomes infected even after vaccination, there are basically two reasons behind it. What was the time of the infection and how effective was the body’s immune system at that time. In the first case, it is necessary to see under what circumstances you have become infected. This means that if another infected person has a high viral load and you spend a lot of time with him, there is a risk of breakthrough infection. That is why it is important to wear a mask and follow the Kovid rules even after getting vaccinated.

NH, 06 June

Health | DesheBideshe
2021-06-08 14:29:32
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