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Follow these tips when charging your smartphone

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Nowadays we live in an age where there is a lot of work to be done besides talking with the smartphone in hand. There was a time when with a single charge the mobile would work even if it was not charged for the remaining one / half week. But now the need for many devices, including desktop (partial), TV, radio, as it is trying to meet a single device, so it is important to regularly arrange to power it. So, how do you manage to charge your hobby smartphone carefully? Let’s see.

Where to buy what to charge?

You might say, ‘Where do I charge?’ I will charge the phone sitting at home! But you also have to keep in mind that you will not be home 24 hours a day. If you are a power user then you may need to charge your phone only outside the home / office. In that case power bank can be your trust.

The average power bank charges the phone a little slower, but you can forget to charge the power bank again. In that case you must have a charging cable in your pocket according to your phone. As well as having a car you can keep a car charger to charge the phone. If you use a power bank or an extra battery, remember to charge the battery as soon as it runs out.

When buying a power bank, you must pay a little more, but buy a good power bank. This will also protect your phone and you will not have to change it every two days. Nowadays, when you go to go out and charge the phone with the power bank, you often have to satisfy the urge to charge the phone of a friend.

Therefore, before buying a power bank, check if there are at least two ports. And if your phone supports fast charging, you must have fast charging supported power bank and charger (when buying power bank These things must be kept in mind). Besides, power sockets of different countries are different. So when traveling abroad, be sure to take a multisket adapter with you.

How long will you charge?

Although I can’t say who actually asked this question when, I can at least say – it is difficult to find a person who did not ask this question.

A common idea is that the phone should be charged up to 100% battery level and when that happens the phone should be removed from the charger immediately. But experts say otherwise.

If you are a regular visitor of Fulcrumy You may rememberAccording to expert opinion, the battery management of today’s smartphones is very advanced. After 100 percent charge, the charge flow from the charger to the battery of the phone is automatically stopped. So there is no reason to worry about it.

But a lot According to researchers It is always better to keep 40 to 60 percent charge in the battery of the mobile phone. Many of us do not follow this theory in real life. On the other hand, it seems more convenient for us to charge 100 percent. So there is no reason to worry too much about it. Even if you always fully charge, your battery will not be completely wasted.


>> Find out the common misconceptions about mobile battery and charge

>> Some unknown strategies to increase the battery backup of a smartphone

>> Ways to keep the battery of the smartphone good

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