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Fontbaz, the story of bringing Bangla fonts to the people

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fontbaaz fontbaaz

Fonts are an essential part of both print and electronic writing. From designers to developers to end-users alike, with the help of a variety of fonts, their thoughts and feelings are reflected on the screen and in print. Designers need consistent fonts when designing different types. Many people who work with the Bengali alphabet suffer from a problem, which is the lack of fonts. FontBuzz has come to fill this gap ( This is an online platform where Bengali font developers can upload their fonts and keep them open for download, and anyone can use the fonts from there.

I spoke to Risat Rajin, one of the founding members of FontBuzz, to find out more about FontBuzz, one of the world’s leading web app developers. Zoomshapper He is working as a design vice president. Let’s talk to Risat Rajin.

What is a font?

“The story begins at the tea shop. Wasif and I saw two people blowing smoke from a cup of tea and saw Chika dying in the orphan walls on the side of the road. How beautifully the characters are presented. That’s when we came up with the font, a very common idea. I don’t remember the exact date of the start of the journey, but not for long, maybe 1.5 years. I started work with pen in August 2016. And the official release is March 26, 2018. Fonter A website where self-made fonts can be shared and those fonts reach people’s homes for free. But before making the website, there was another plan that I will tell another day. ”

fontbaaz fontbaaz FontBuzz website

Why are there so many names?

“It simply came to our notice then. Much like kids. I have seen in the movies, those who bully are called painters, those who gossip about someone are called cowards or clickers, those who raise money are called extortionists – from then on, those who make fonts will be fonts. There is no history behind this name. ”

What to do with FontBuzz?

“Question of lakhs of rupees: P. FontBuzz can easily share your own fonts and download and use them. That’s the job for the time being. Another thing is that those who create fonts can use FontBuzz as their own portfolio site. ”

fontbaaz fontbaaz Fontbuilder single font view

Who is the fontman for?

“I think it’s for everyone. Because, everyone wants to express their thoughts. If we divide it into two major points, I will say it orally and handwritten. If computer is used for writing then font requirements are essential. Now anyone who can type Bangla will need the font. However, we have received information from secret sources that ad agencies, news media, print media, designers need more fonts. 😉 ”

Want to know more about FontBuzz’s features?

“Fontbuzz has a lot of advantages: P, but it’s simple to look at. We had a lot of trouble behind the site. Not to mention some things, like

  • It can be easily downloaded by creating a font collection together.
  • A font can be seen in 4 views. E.g., thumb, text, characters, and custom. In the custom view, you can write as you like and see what the font looks like.

fontbaaz fontbaaz FontBuzz Font Character View

  • You can also change the size of the font and change the font color.
  • We are very serious about the copyright issue. That’s why I review fonts and have the option to report in fonts.
  • When uploading fonts, we test the fonts with Mostakim’s bot, so that no viruses or unwanted things are uploaded.
  • A font contains a lot of information, which can annoy a font uploader. That’s why we bring all the information in the font automatically by artificial intelligence, so that they do not have to fill in the information fields. However, all the fields are editable, whoever uploads the font can edit if he wants.

fontbaaz fontbaaz Fontbuilder font upload screen

  • We have our own thumb generator. Anyone who wants to make a font can make their own thumbs up if they wish and if they don’t have that opportunity then they can make thumbs up with thumb generator. We have about 30 default backgrounds.
  • We attach great importance to fonts as well as fonts. We believe a font means a history. So if you don’t focus on those who are building, you may not have a job. 😉 That’s why there are popular fontbuzzers. The fonts that will be downloaded the most will be the popular font bazaar.
  • Those who upload fonts here will be able to use it as a portfolio. And will have its own URL like

fontbaaz fontbaaz Fontblogger profile

Here it is! By doing these, our age has decreased a lot. Eyes sometimes flicker like a TV screen. ”

What are the unique advantages of Fontbaj which no competitor has?

“We have no competitors. We are all brothers. We want more everyone to come, the war is not with each other, the war is for the prosperity of Bengali language. Bengali fonts are now dominated by fonts made in Upper Bengal. It’s not bad, but what did we do then? Vijay, Avro, Rhythmic taught us how to write Bengali. But the lack of designing fonts or title fonts. We have to overcome this shortcoming. And we will do it. “

What to do to take advantage of the fontbaj?

“We have given paragraphs to people all our lives, so we thought we would not be here. You do not need to open an account to download fonts from FontBuzz. But if you want to upload, you must have an account. Because the ID of the person who uploads it will be considered as his portfolio. ”

What is FontBuzz’s business model? Or is it nonprofit?

“It simply came to our notice then. However, we have left some ad places blank because there are some costs involved in running a site. Advertising to cover that cost. However, I don’t know how long it will last like this. If not, it may be closed. “

Whose contribution is behind the fontbaj?

“It simply came to our notice then. Popular font, Mahibubur Rahman Rajan Bhai, the father of ‘Rajan style’, could not have dared to put the logo of Fontbaz in his hands, and without his support. Hillol R Himel Bhai of Bengalfonts, Tanbin Islam Siam Bhai, father of Siam Rupali Fonts, brother of AM Istiaq Sarwar for hosting water. And most of all, the people I would like to thank are the FontBuzz squad.

fontbaaz fontbaaz Fontbuzz team

The boy for whom this is entirely possible is Wasif alias Rabab, the sole developer of the FontBuzz platform. The other two Shuvro and Misbah are promotion and support respectively. And my only wife (cooked well today, so if you don’t thank her, maybe she won’t let you eat, don’t you understand?) ”

Visit FontBuzz here:

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So, this was the story of the font. I hope to come up with another story and the people behind it another day. Thanks for being with me.

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