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Foods that will enhance the radiance of your skin

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Many of us use a lot of things to increase the radiance of the skin. I use a lot of different creams, face packs, facials etc. But no matter how much I use it, it may brighten the skin for a while, but then when you stop doing all the beauty treatments, the skin will be the same again. So to keep the body and skin beautiful and good, we must change our own lifestyle and eating habits. Instead of using various chemical products on the skin, but eating some healthy food rules, both the body and the skin will be better. So be aware of some well-known foods that help to brighten the skin.

Carrots Carrots are rich in Vitamin-C and Carotene and Carrots are one of the best vegetables which have many health benefits and are very good for our skin and hair. Put carrots or carrot juice on the food list to brighten the skin.

Papaya: Who doesn’t love to eat papaya, a very delicious and delicious fruit. Papaya contains vitamins-C, A, E and antioxidants that help keep our skin clean and protect our skin from acne and blemishes. You can also eat papaya or paste it on the skin.

Tomato: This fresh red juicy vegetable contains lycopene. Tomatoes are very good for the skin, moreover, tomatoes reduce body weight and help prevent cancer.

Green leafy vegetables Green vegetables are rich in vitamins which are good not only for the skin but also for the whole body. So put vegetables on your daily diet.

Strawberries Strawberries contain vitamin C which protects the skin and enhances radiance.

Green tea Green tea is an herbal drink that is good for the skin. It removes skin blemishes, keeps skin soft, enhances skin radiance, removes dark spots and blemishes.

Broccoli: Broccoli’s antioxidants and vitamins A and C help to naturally brighten the skin.

Fish The important ingredients of fish are omega-3 fatty acids and various vitamins which are very good for the skin. So you should eat more fish to get radiant skin.


Health | DesheBideshe
2021-06-29 12:20:10
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