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Foods that will get rid of gas Foods that will get rid of gas

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Foods that will eliminate gas

Almost everyone has a gas problem. This problem can lead to many more problems. There are so many types it’s hard to say. In that case, there are some foods that will be released if you follow the rules. Let’s not know about those foods-

* BananaIt contains a lot of potassium and natural antacids which act as a buffer or resistance against acid reflux. If you eat a banana once a day, you will never have a heartburn problem.

* Tulsi leavesTulsi leaves stimulate the production of mucus-like substances in the stomach. It contains cooling and antiseptic ingredients that help reduce the effectiveness of gastric acid. If you have gas problem, chew 5-6 basil leaves and eat it. Or boil 3-4 basil leaves and drink it with Panituku honey.

* CinnamonCinnamon is the medicine for most digestive problems. It contains natural antacids which improve digestion and strengthen absorption. Mix half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of water and boil it. Then drink it cold. Drink cinnamon juice three times a day.

* Mint leavesMint leaves reduce the speed of acid secretion and increase digestion. This leaf also has a cooling effect. Which reduces the pain and inflammation associated with acid reflux. Boil a few mint leaves in a pot with water. Then strain the panituk and drink it cold.

* Fennel seedsFennel seeds bring immediate relief by reducing acid. This benefit is obtained by chewing these seeds after eating. It is also very effective in treating indigestion and flatulence. Boil a few fennel seeds in half a cup of water and drink Panituku.

* WheyIt instantly reduces acidity and brings relief. The calcium in it prevents the accumulation of acid in the stomach. Adding red pepper with it will give better results. The lactic acid in it also strengthens the digestive process.

* CloveIt prevents gas production in Pakistan. If you chew two cloves every day, you will get rid of gas problem forever.

* Coconut waterCoconut water helps in the production of mucus in the stomach. Which protects the stomach from the harmful effects of excess gas. Drinking coconut water regularly makes the body’s pH acidic level alkaline. As a result, the problem of heartburn is eliminated.

* Cold milkDrinking cold milk stabilizes gastric acid in the stomach. Milk contains calcium which prevents the formation of acid in the stomach. So if you have a problem with acidity, drink a glass of cold milk.

* CardamomCardamom helps to increase digestion and relieve stomach cramps. This eliminates the ill effects of excess acid secretion. Boil two cardamoms in water and drink Panituk.

Health – Jamuna Television
2020-12-17 08:20:17
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