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Free Facebook Offer: Use Facebook for Free!

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Facebook, the world’s largest social networking site, helps us keep in touch with people around us. In the beginning, people opened Facebook accounts for hobbies or just to spend time, but gradually the service has become very important. But many people face obstacles in using Facebook because they do not know how to run free Facebook.

That’s why “Zero Facebook (” was launched through an agreement between Facebook (Meta) and various mobile operators, so that a text-only version of the service could be browsed for free. In addition, by visiting the site, you could enjoy free Facebook from there through the free basics service of Facebook.

At present, there is no need to visit the Zero Facebook site. To run Facebook for free, you just need to visit the Facebook Android app or Facebook’s mobile site Most of the mobile operators in the country are now offering free Facebook.

Grameenphone, Robi and Airtel have officially launched a new free text-only Facebook and Messenger service in November 2021. You can find out more about him later in this post.

Let me tell you at the outset that these offers will work for free, subject to conditions. These may not work in some cases. So Try to make sure that this free Facebook offer is working on your phone while your mobile balance is zero..

Rules for using free Facebook on Grameenphone

Grameenphone has started the journey of Autoflex Free Facebook and Messenger in Bangladesh. Grameenphone SIM can only use text-only Facebook and Messenger once internet data is exhausted. If there is data balance in the phone then free Facebook and Messenger cannot be used.

Free Facebook

If you don’t have balance on your phone, you can use text-only Facebook at no cost. Free Facebook and Messenger can be used using all of Facebook’s Android apps (including Messenger), browsers and iOS’s Safari app.

If there is money in the mobile account after the data is exhausted, then using the internet will cost about 7 rupees under the pay as you go plan. Then free Facebook can be used.

3 Click to learn more about Grameenphone Free Facebook

Banglalink free Facebook usage rules

Banglalink SIM’s Free Facebook and Messenger feature is a lot like GP Free Facebook. Banglalink SIM’s data balance must be zero to use Facebook for free. Once the data balance is exhausted, free Facebook can be used on Banglalink SIM till the balance of the phone expires. However, if there is a balance in the phone, then after deducting about 8 taka under the pay-as-you-go package, free Facebook and Messenger will be active. If you don’t have balance on your phone, you can use Facebook immediately without any cost.

3 Click to know more about banglalink free facebook

Rules for using the Robi Free Facebook offer

After Grameenphone, Robi started offering free Facebook services. Only if there is no data in Robi SIM can the free messenger and Facebook service be used. If you have money on your phone, then according to Pay-as-you-go package, after using internet worth 5 taka or more, free Facebook will be active.

3 Click to know more about Robi Free Facebook

Ways to use Airtel Free Facebook

You can also use Facebook for free on Airtel. After using Airtel SIM data balance, to use free Facebook, first log in to Facebook app. Then you can enjoy free Facebook by pressing “Go to Free” (some of the free indicators will be written at the top).

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Like all other operators, if Airtel SIM has money in the phone after running out of data, it will be deducted as pay as you use. Then you will get free Facebook. However, if you do not have any money on the phone, you can run Facebook directly for free. Also, you can post, like, comment, share and chat on Facebook for free.

3Click for details about Airtel Free Facebook

And yes, whether it is Zero or Hero (!?!) Facebook, any web browsing will require internet configuration settings on mobile. If your phone does not have internet settings, call the operator’s helpline.

Learn more: Use free internet with Facebook Discover

Free Facebook can be run on the button set?

If you have a browser on your button set, you can run Facebook for free. Open the browser and visit Facebook. If you do not have megabytes in your SIM and do not have money, then you can run free Facebook. However, the account must be valid.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Can I run Facebook for free on all SIMs?

Grameenphone, Banglalink, Robi and Airtel SIM are currently running Facebook for free. Conditions apply.

Why are you cutting my money?

Have you run out of data balance? The free offer will not be launched if the data balance is not exhausted. There are more conditions. See details in our post.

I hope all your doubts about free Facebook have been removed. If you want to know more, you can comment. Thanks.

Bonus: Use the ‘Facebook Lite’ app to run Facebook cheaply

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