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Freelancer’s Diary: Anniversary of a small dream, some words and some realization

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diary of a freelancer absThere is a lot of research on when we see a dream, whether it is black or white. I heard as a child, dreams are black and white. The information seems incredible. Then I would often wake up in the morning and try to remember whether the dream I saw last night was colorful or black and white. In many cases, there are no colors or symbols to remember. But I clearly remember seeing color in a few dreams.

We had a black and white TV in 1998-99. An 18-inch television with the national logo of a Bangladeshi brand. I thought it would be fun if it were color TV. Or if one day the TV screen would be colored by itself, then there is no point! But such thinking is the name of a child, it was not the age to understand it then. One day I dreamed that a colorful picture was coming on our TV screen. I had a lot of fun. But when I woke up in the morning, that B / W TV again. Of course, I don’t remember exactly what color I saw that day. But it was as if something colorful was happening.

I have two cousins ​​who have come from different parts of the country to work for their father since childhood. They are older than me. The other two cousins ​​we have at home with me have a friendly relationship with those two. Usually, we met with them once or twice a year. The two brothers are quite science minded. Both have engineering degrees from two of the best engineering universities in the country.

At a very young age, when we were in primary, maybe class one-two, I sometimes wondered if we would have any future contact with the brothers. Who knows, maybe they will leave the country in a few days. How long will we meet with them? The youngest of them is about two years older than me. Naturally it was a little more fun. Big brother is also very friendly.

I said, we cousins ​​here used to think, how long will we meet with them, if they grow up they will remember us, and so on. Every time the brothers came, this thought would be ‘renewed’ for at least two years. I also had an ‘argument’ behind it. The logic is pretty much the same, since the older brother has joined us very cordially this year, so at least the younger brother will remember us until he is old (weird thinking); Because the age difference between the two of them will be less than two years.

In the meanwhile one day I saw my younger brother in a dream that he had come home and was talking to us. I vividly remember my brother wearing a paste shirt. ‘Casper’ written on the pocket. I don’t believe in saying ‘we can’t see color in dreams’.

Dreams seen in sleep, whether they are colorful or black and white, are dreams. In reality we have some dreams. Small, big, short or long-term how many more!

I was the first to enter online holding the hand of this younger brother. Looking at the big blogs and media sites on the internet, I wish I had a website. Once I opened a free site on Then I didn’t even keep track of Blogspot, Tumblr, Weebley and many more.

Those were free sites. I once thought it would be good to have my own self hosted site. But PayPal is the most accepted payment method for paying for domain and hosting. PayPal has no official activities in Bangladesh till now. So I started the ‘own blog’ mission with domain + hosting from a local reseller provider.

This is ( Was my handcuffs in WordPress. A senior (Arefin brother) close to online gave an initial idea about the template. I took the domain and hosting of the blog in February 2013. The intention was to launch on 21st February. Arefin Bhai was so busy then that I started myself without disturbing him. Knowing the information with the help of Google search, I also brought the blog online. I gave some experimental posts. I fixed Facebook, Twitter account etc. I arranged content for the visitors with some posts before 21st February. On 21st February, for the fans of my blog, I started posting the final post on Facebook by leaving the beta version with a light message.

Running a Bengali blog for one person is quite time consuming. I have been doing this hard work for the last one year. Many people have said that like ten blog sites, postings should be opened for everyone, but the results are not beneficial for all sites. Anyone can still open an account and post on this blog. But it is not published directly. If the post is not copy-pasted and does not have enough value, then I have no intention of annoying the visitors by publishing it.

There are now over four lakh fans of this blog on Facebook. I don’t have time to do SEO separately. It took a lot of hard work to get this site to where it is today. I have updated each of these two hands through glasses. Giving this effort in a freelancing marketplace in the last one year would undoubtedly earn a hefty dollar. But money is not everything a man has.

Some people have commented on our Facebook page that if I give the whole post in the form of status or my business will not grow so I just share the link! Have you ever wondered, can Facebook status and blog posts ever be an alternative to anyone? No, that is not possible.

Even when the number of fans of the blog was around 10,000, there was not much ‘like’, ‘comment’, ‘share’ in Page’s post. This is frustrating for any admin. But that’s why I never said that if you like this post, you must like it! In fact, if you think something is really dedicated to you, then you will love it. This is the law of nature.

Seeing that, our Facebook fan has crossed the quota of four lakhs. There have been many experiences in this. Many have the opportunity to express their gratitude and appreciation. I will write them in a later post InshaAllah.

I am a student. I have classes, I have exams. Much more remains. It is very difficult for one person to meet the expectations of so many people – in some cases it may be impossible. So if you also open an account here and post your own articles, the blog will be more rich.

I hope to meet all of you on the journey of on science, technology and educational subjects in Bengali language. You can email us any feedback about this site [email protected] Address. I look forward to your important advice.


Arafat bin Sultan

Founder and author.

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