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From King Lear to Apu – Single Father’s various characters and shocks

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Soumitra Sen.

Isn’t Apui of Bibhuti Bhushan one of the brightest ‘single fathers’ of Bengalis? After the death of his wife Aparna, although he did not keep the baby with him, the last time he went to see his father-in-law, he saw the boy and overcame his initial discomfort. In her life without any movement, she draws her little boy in her arms.

Today, June 20, Father’s Day. On that occasion, it is natural for the circle of thoughts to expand with the ‘single fathers’ separately. Because, usually the children’s various hesitations, fears, inertia, distance, complexity work with the father. It is of great interest to see how the fathers overcame all those adversities to their children and on the other hand the children themselves বা or how the fathers are inspired in this gesture.

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Many people do not think of King Lear? Shakespeare-In this great play, the various histories of father’s chemistry and complexity with his three daughters have been revealed. Nana touches the edge of stupidity and at the end of Lear goes towards a deep madness. Tragic consequences.

In the field of literature, Mr. Bennett of Pride and Prejudice is also mentioned. This Bennett is very good as a father. Loves the girl like crazy. And enough of the girl’s likes and dislikes.

But if you think of a single father separately, the character Atticus Finch in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird remains as a Model Father. Finch had all the qualities that a child expects from his father – very caring, morally strong, courageous and humane.

According to a survey conducted by the University of Toronto a few years ago, about two and a half crore children in the world grow up in single parenting. As a percentage which is 14%. 4% of single fathers in America alone. The number of single parents in India is not exactly surveyed. If it is not as much as in America, then it is not less. All in all, single fatherhood is slowly gaining recognition even in modern Indian society.

A bird is found in Bengal, though it does not match the peacock like the peacock, which is called ‘water peacock’. This bird breeds without a mate. This male bird of the bird kingdom is left by the female bird with its eggs. After that, the male bird became the ‘single father’. From laying eggs to raising babies – all in one hand, this male water peacock in a single ‘wing’. Bird experts say that even after giving it in this way for 28 days in a row, he feeds the children and keeps them at bay. However, when the children are a little older, they leave their father.

In human society too, this water-peacock-stage is the book of parents. Is in various directions. But what will happen to the father who raises his child with one hand after overcoming various setbacks from his childhood, if that child also leaves them at the end of life?

It is also important to mark the opposite crisis on the day of remembrance of the single father. Contrary to the father’s cruelty to the child, it should not end in the story of the child’s cruelty to the father! In that case, the father of ‘Escape from Home’, the father of King Lear, the father of ‘Apur Sansare’ and the father of Mockingbird were all thrown into the same destiny. The whole story of love and affection is shattered.

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