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Fruit facial parlor at home with five fruits!

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Everyone who does facials at the parlor knows that fruit facials are a precious commodity. But now you don’t have to go to the parlor, you can get a nice fruit facial at home. The skin will remain beautiful, along with a lot of money will be saved.

1. Banana-
Bananas are rich in vitamins A, B and E. For facials, first take a well-ripened banana chutkey, mix honey in it and make a pack and apply it on the face. After 20 minutes it should be washed in water. The skin is soft and radiant.

2. Lemon-
Lemons are a good source of vitamin C. It works as a bleach. Able to clean facial blemishes, acne, skin toning and face. Also start your day by drinking half a glass of warm water mixed with half a lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey. The benefit is yours. It helps in the formation of celluloid and cleanses your skin from the inside out. Even if you make a pack by mixing lemon juice and honey, it helps to get rid of blemishes and brightens the face.

3. Orange-
Oranges contain vitamin C, which helps to improve the skin. Very useful for reducing facial scars and removing age marks. Peel a squash, grate it and rub it on your face at least two days a week. It works like a scrubber.

4. Apple-
Make a pack by mixing honey with apple juice and apply it on the face. Let dry. When dry, wash. This is a good hydrating face pack. Which will protect your face from the wrinkles.

5. Papaya-
Papaya is very effective in reducing mora cells in the mouth. You can rub the inside of papaya on your face for 1 minute. The face is soft and clean. Mix papaya and 2 tablespoons of honey in it and apply it like a face mask for 20 minutes. Now leave it for 20 minutes and wash it in warm water. Now apply moisturizer on the face. You can understand the difference yourself.