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Fruits that help you lose weight fast – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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There is no substitute for eating fruit to maintain the nutritional balance of the body. As well as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, the fruit contains many beneficial ingredients. Some fruits also help in weight loss. Eating fruit four times a day reduces the intake of extra calories. And thus the fruit helps to lose weight. Let’s not know which fruit to eat to lose weight fast-

* BananasDue to the high levels of calories and sugar, many people avoid eating bananas to lose weight. Although high in calories, it also contains potassium, magnesium, manganese, fiber, various antioxidants and vitamins A, B-6 and C. The sugars in this fruit are also slowly absorbed by the body. So bananas rich in various nutrients help to keep the body weight low.

* WatermelonKnown as a mineral rich fruit. Its calorie content is also low. One cup, that is, 150 to 160 grams of watermelon will match only 48 to 61 calories. It contains high levels of ash, potassium and antioxidants such as vitamin C, beta-carotene and lycopene. And its sugars slowly mix with the blood. This reduces the need to eat other foods.

* ApplesApples are high in fiber and rich in flavonoid polymers, which help in weight control. Apples with peel should be eaten to get fiber and antioxidants. It controls blood sugar. Keeping your blood sugar under control helps control your appetite and prevent diabetes.

* OrangeLike other sour fruits, oranges are rich in vitamin C and low in calories. And it helps to keep the stomach full for a long time.

* PearsPears help in weight control because they contain flavonoid polymers. Per 138 mg. Excess flavonoid polymers increase weight at a lower rate.

* StrawberriesBlueberries or strawberries are low in calories but have many other nutrients. Although blueberries are not readily available in our country, strawberries are available. One cup or 152 grams of strawberries contains less than 50 calories.


Health – Jamuna Television
2021-06-28 07:37:41
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