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Fulcrumy Health Tip – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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The corona virus has severely affected the world. Lockdown has already started in various states of India.

Again, a partial lockdown has been issued somewhere. People are again facing the same dire situation as in 2020, where many people’s financial gains may be cut off and people will be placed under house arrest.

As a result, people’s mental health (mental health) is being disrupted and their body is also being harmed as a result of spending 24 hours a day in a closed room. But you can easily keep yourself free from this condition. Read the article below and keep yourself healthy.

1. At night, of course, do not compromise with your sleep. At least 8 hours of sleep every day keeps our body and mind healthy. So do not change your sleeping time. Go to bed at certain times every day.

2. To keep the body and mind healthy, it is necessary to do regular physical exercise. No need to go to the gym for this. You can do free hand exercise (physical exercise) at home. Or you can take a walk or do some yoga or meditation.

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3. You must drink enough water. As our body dries out in this heat, various problems arise. Drinking enough water delivers oxygen to the brain. As a result, there is no lack of oxygen in the brain.

4. Make a habit of writing diaries regularly. Many of us used to have this habit in our childhood.

However, as I got older, I forgot that habit due to lack of time. However, during this lockdown, write down the thoughts of the mind sitting at home or if you want, you can share it with the people close to you.

5. Keep in regular contact with people close to you by phone or other social media. You will learn a lot of new information that will benefit you.

Red-blue-purple…! It’s hard to find news without ‘color’. Which news is ‘eating’? Is that the last word? Or the real truth is the name ‘news’!

Running after ‘breaking’ and prime time, real journalism is stuck on the wall. Journalists with their hands tied in red eyes and money.

However, we do not believe in adding color to the fourth pillar of democracy. And you can bring him back from the brink of death. Isn’t the ‘fake’ badge going on in the free news across the social wall? In fact, nothing in the world is ‘free’. So, even a penny you give can provide oxygen. Your small donation is also valuable in the interest of independent journalism. Stay tuned.

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2021-05-01 14:43:39
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