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Fulcrumy Health Tip – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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We all do more or less makeup every day. Whether it’s putting a little kajal on her eyes or heavy makeup to go to an event. The main purpose of makeup is to cover our flaws and highlight the beauty of our appearance. But the amount of excitement that is present when applying makeup is not as much as the amount of excitement that is seen at the end of the day or at the end of the ceremony. The problem is here. Most of the time we think, if there is a little lipstick or kajal what will be the damage!

Occasionally fall asleep without makeup? The answer seems to be that many will say ‘yes’. Sometimes you may not want to wear makeup because you are too tired all day. Or maybe you forgot to put on makeup. It’s okay if it happens occasionally. But if it is a habit, the damage is to your skin. You may be wondering what will happen to the skin if you don’t apply makeup one day. But our skin is so sensitive that a little carelessness can lead to many problems.

Harmful side
If you fall asleep without applying makeup, you may get skin rashes, wrinkles, dryness and other problems. If you do not apply makeup before going to sleep, the pores of the skin will be closed. Makeup prevents sweating, which prevents oxygen from reaching the skin cells properly. In addition sebum (which is a type of oily liquid) is secreted from the skin which helps our skin to retain moisture. If the makeup is applied for a long time, these normal processes of our body get interrupted. So if you get into the habit of lying down without makeup for a long time, the problem of acne can inevitably appear on the skin. There may also be skin rashes and discomfort. And for some of us, these problems are not at all desirable.

What to do
These little skin needs should not be neglected at all. With a little awareness of skin hygiene, you can easily keep your skin beautiful, fresh and healthy. However, it requires proper skin care. Cleanse the skin with a good cleanser at least twice a day. Be sure to pick up makeup before you go to bed at night, even if you put a little kajal on your eyes. Those who often have to do a lot of makeup must go to a good beauty parlor and get a facial at least once a month. Do regular cleansing, toning and moisturizing according to your skin at home. Clean your face with a scrubber at least twice a week. However, those who have acne problems should not use scrubbers. The skin around our eyes is very soft and sensitive. So gently wipe the eye makeup. There are different types of special cleansers available for removing eye makeup. Use that.