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Fulcrumy Health Tip – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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A beauty treat for women’s daily necessities. In the crowd of countless tips on beautiful-smooth-vibrant skin care, everyone often makes mistakes. And the beauty of your skin is lost in the wrong way. Most of the girls don’t know that some of the traditional beauty treatments are actually wrong and harmful. Here are seven misconceptions that will ruin your skin.

1. The use of scarves
This method, which is very common in morphology, is very harmful. Even if you use soft scrubs on the skin of hands, feet or other parts of the body, there is a possibility of losing the smoothness of the skin. And if the scrub is rubbed on the sensitive skin of the face, then there is no more destruction. Many people rub scarves on their face for the purpose of deep cleansing. Whatever is clear, the skin will become rough.

2. Uncleanliness
Many things are used in everyday decoration. Again, there are many things that come in contact with the skin. Such as- makeup brush, pillow cover, mobile phone etc. If these things are unclean, bacteria will spread on the skin. If these are not cleaned after two-three days, skin problems will appear in the form of epidemic.

3. Not taking a bath at the end of work
Whether for the whole day or for a short time, if you take a bath after returning home from work, especially before going to sleep, then the dust and dirt of the whole day will go away. The external environment is full of pathogens. The real ingredient of skin beauty loss. So be clean at the end of the day.

4. Lack of sleep
Lack of sleep at night causes great damage to the skin. The stress hormone cortisol is secreted due to lack of continuous sleep. It plays twelve of the skin. Therefore, sleep should be considered as one of the essential materials for beauty treatment.

5. Touch of hands and hair on face
Girls’ hair falls on the face all the time. Open hair is dirty. As a result, he gets dirty in his face. Again we have the most dirt on our hands. Frequent hand contact with the face can cause serious infections. So hair and hands damage our skin.

. Don’t be impatient to get the benefits of cosmetics
Cosmetics work like herbs. It takes time to reap the benefits of using work cosmetics. But many became impatient and started using any other cosmetic. It causes side effects that can lead to any skin problem. For example, it takes 4/6 weeks to get the benefits of skin care cosmetics. By this time you must have completed the course of use.

. If there is alkali in the water
High levels of alkali in the water are a threat to the skin. In addition, water may contain minerals that cannot be removed by using soap or face wash products. Alkaline water also destroys the softness and smoothness of the hair. Shower filters or water softeners should be used for face washing or bathing.