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Get rid of the misconception that Corona spreads like cigarette smoke, exactly what the experts say

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Own report: Get rid of misconceptions. Corona virus is circulating in the air, this information is not completely accurate. Find out what the experts are saying. Corona is airborne. Experts have been coming up with this information since the beginning. With that, the World Health Organization has agreed. But this does not mean that the corona virus has filled the air like pollution! Corona is attacking you as soon as you breathe.

The United States Center for Disease Control (CDC) on Friday issued an advisory detailing the spread of the coronavirus. According to the CDC, the virus is transmitted by air to attack nearby people. There is a higher risk within three to six feet of an infected person. Do not spread while breathing, talking, singing, exercising, coughing or sneezing. Which enters the body of another through breathing. For this reason, it has been repeatedly said to wear a mask.

This is more likely to happen where the wind blows less. CDC data show that large droplets, after dispersing within a few seconds, dry out and form small droplets and particles. Which can be suspended in the air for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Experts say that airborne does not mean that it is in the air and that you will be infected with covid wherever you are.

If a person smokes, his smoke spreads like that. That’s exactly how coronavirus spreads. If someone smokes in the corner of a large room, you can smell cigarette smoke while standing in the other corner of the room. That’s exactly what the virus does. But it is not spreading everywhere. Again, it is understood that someone smoked a cigarette in a closed room a while ago. Just like that, the virus spreads in closed rooms. This is exactly the reason why there is a need for ventilation in the house.