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Google Analytics: Audience Overview Report (Episode 4)

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Welcome to our 4th tutorial. Today we will learn about the different dimensions of the Analytics Audience Overview report.

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Date Range

The first dimension of the analytics report is the date range. By selecting this dimension, you can easily get analytics reports of different times.


Date Range Selector

This is usually a calendar where you can select different date ranges. When you make changes to this date range, the report view changes immediately. You can also get the report by selecting last week, last day, last month by clicking on the drop down of date range.


Date Range Comparison

If you want, you can compare your selected time with any given time. In this case you have to select the “compare to” option and you can compare the date range in different dimensions. This is very important because it lets you know if your business has changed over time.


Line Graph

Line graph is a very important data set in analytics reports, where by default you will see the number of site users per day in the selected date range.

line graph

Duration Selector

You can make the data view more specific if you want. For example, on an hourly basis, or on a monthly or annual basis, this view is very useful when you do long-term data analysis.


Metric Selector

From the dropdown menu in the Overview tab you can see other metrics instead of user metrics in the line graph and here you will also have the option to compare 2nd with another metric and there is a chance to look at different date ranges.



Many shot metrics are displayed below the line graph. We will now try to find out about the metrics.


Sessions Is the total number of sessions in your selected date range.

Users Is the total number of site users in the selected date range.

Page Views) Is the total number of visited pages in the selected date range, usually the Analytics tracking code calculates the page views as soon as the page is loaded. If a user visits the same page again and again, the views of each visit will be added.

Pages Per Session) Is the number of pages visited in a session.

Average Session Duration Is the average length of each session within the selected date range.

Bounce Rate Here is the percentage of users who visited your site who visited the site with only one page and did not visit any other page.

New vs. Returning User
This pie chart shows the percentage of new and returning visitors.

New VS Returning

Dimensions and Metrics

The lowest part of the overview report contains a number of useful dimensions, such as demographics, systems and mobile. The metrics under each dimension display 10 data sets and provide a full report when you click on View Full Report.


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