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Google bought Slick Login, an alternative password maker

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slicklogin2Google went one step further in the world without passwords. The web giant has bought ‘Slick Login’, the maker of user identity verification technology through sound waves. Slick Login has developed a system that plays a small volume of sound when signing in to a website that is authenticated / verified by signing in with a specific app on the user’s smartphone via a computer speaker.

This technology can be used as an alternative or helper for passwords in various online services. This is a lot like the traditional mobile SMS ‘two-step verification’, but the difference with the current two-factor authentication is that it does not require a PIN number – the smartphone app itself verifies the login via soundwave.

Israeli startup Slick Login them On the website In a statement Google Has confirmed the news of the acquisition by. But it is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

As the amount of hacking increases, big financial and user data-based companies are adding two-factor verification to improve login security. The search firm hopes that Google’s latest move will make users easier and more secure.

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