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Google Glass: Some bright and dark aspects of smart technology. . .

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Google Glass Sample ImageWeb giant Google You may have heard of digital glasses “Google Glass” before. Made using state-of-the-art technology, this device will basically have a single glass that will be located in the upper corner of any one eye. If you look at the transparent head mounted display of Google Glass powered by Android operating system, everything will come out in front of your eyes. Google’s new invention can be a “hands free” alternative to your smartphone.

No need to touch any hardware to use Google Glass. You can fix everything through voice commands. Suppose you Pabiprabi Want to see the way to go. Just say, “OK glass, give direction to Pabiprabi” No matter where you are, you will find your directions according to the data available on Google Maps.

The device will automatically launch several features. When you look at the sky with Google Glass, the weather information will automatically appear on the screen. Looking at the house, notes, schedules, etc. can be seen. And if you keep an eye on the cars on the road, you will get traffic updates and other useful options. Besides, there are services like web browsing, email checking etc. Its audio technology is able to reach the ears in a special way without the conventional headphones.

With Google Glass, you can easily record HD quality video and pictures of the scene in front of your eyes. Just say, “OK glass, video on record”; If you want to take a picture, command “OK Glass, take a picture”; Photos or videos can also be shared via the Internet.

Google’s “Digital Intelligent Personal Partner” “Google Now” will answer as many questions as possible using the same command.

If you make a video call on Google Glass, you will see a picture of the man on the other end, but he will not be able to see you. But the scene in front of your eyes will go to him. (Of course, if you want to show yourself, it is possible to stand in front of the mirror with a little intelligence!)

These state-of-the-art glasses will really make everyday life a little easier. But the power of the device can sometimes be embarrassing or even terrifying. For example, a gentleman wearing a Google Glass is sitting in a public place (maybe a restaurant) with a very focused mind. What is the guarantee that he is not taking pictures / videos of you? Your important phone call may come in or you may face any other situation. You were caught unawares on an unsolicited camera by a stranger without any permission! This is not impossible at all.

Also, what is the guarantee that Google will not track the movements, likes and dislikes of glass users? Considering these factors, Google Glass can be a serious threat to personal privacy.

The device, valued at about ০০ 1,500, is expected to hit the market by the end of this year. For developers, of course, it has already been arranged.

Eventually technology will spread. And if Google Glass can successfully capture the market, the days of saying goodbye to personal privacy may not be long in coming.

Let’s see what time says.

What do you think of this expensive Google product? How concerned are you with your privacy?

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