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Google will add ad-block feature in Google Chrome browser?

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Google is considering adding an ad-blocker feature to its own Google Chrome web browser. A report in the Wall Street Journal According to Google can bring the feature of blocking ads in both mobile and desktop versions of Google Chrome browser. With this, if the user wishes, he can stop the advertisement of those websites while visiting them.

Many people do not like the advertisements that are seen in various newspapers and informational sites. In this case, by using the ad blocker feature, different sites can be visited avoiding advertisements. Users can turn this option on or off if they wish.

However, Google will not block all ads. In case of ad block Coalition of Better Ad Industry Group Google may block ‘harmful’ ads identified by an organization called Harmful ads are those that are bad for the website visitor experience. These ads usually become fullscreen all of a sudden, or the video plays automatically, or the ad floats in front of the eyes before the website loads, and so on. There are also many sites that take you to another site when you click anywhere on the page. This is also a kind of advertising manipulation.

There are already various ad blocker plugins or extensions on the market that are run by third party companies. These extensions can also block Google AdSense ads. But Google’s own ad blocker feature will not stop ads that comply with Google’s policy, thus reducing the harmful effects of Google’s own advertising business. However, there is controversy over how Google will implement this feature.

According to the report, one way is that if there is only one low quality / harmful ad on a site, then Google will block the display of all ads on that site. In this case, the website owners will be more aware of the quality of advertising.

The second is another approach. That is, Google can only block controversial ads in question. Although we don’t know exactly which way Google will go or how the ads will be marked.

The news of adding ad blockers to the hugely popular Chrome browser is quite surprising. Because, Google’s main business is advertising on the Internet. Numerous publishers make money by advertising on their own sites through the Google AdSense program, which Google itself receives. From this they earn huge amount of profit. And now Google itself is going to bring features like Adblock in their browsing app!

But, maybe Google is giving ad blocker in Chrome because if there is a built-in ad blocker then Google will be able to show some ads from which the company can earn money. Any other third party ad blocker also shuts off Google ads! So this web giant can make such a decision for their own good.

Google has a positive role to play in dealing with harmful ads and pop-up ads. Therefore, something good can be expected from the decision of the organization.

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