The MobiCash advertisement titled ‘Open all the windows of dreams’ says that through Grameenphone ‘MobiCash’ outlet, various services including mobile bank account opening, money transfer, bill payment of any kind, insurance facility on mobile, flexiload, e-ticketing will be available.
But an official of the payment system department of Bangladesh Bank Said“The only bank is an authorized institution for mobile banking. As a result, Grameenphone cannot promote such services or advertisements. ”
At a meeting on July 5, Bangladesh Bank’s senior management team decided to ban Grameenphone’s recent advertisement of MobiCash service. On the same day, the license of Prime Bank’s mobile banking service EasyCash was also canceled. Then GP CEO Vivek Sood met with Bangladesh Bank Governor Atiur Rahman on Thursday. Correction Promises to.
From now on, Grameenphone will keep the contracted banks in the forefront in the advertisement of ‘MobiCash’.
Dasgupta Asim Kumar, Acting Executive Director, Payment Systems, Bangladesh Bank, said, “We had an observation about Grameenphone’s advertisement on mobile banking. The CEO of Grameen Phone came to discuss the matter. Grameen Phone has said that they will rectify the inconsistency. ”
GP Chief Corporate Affairs Officer Mahmud Hossain said, “The matter has been discussed with the central bank. Necessary steps will now be taken on the basis of mutual consent. ”
At present Dutch-Bangla Bank, Mercantile Bank, One Bank, Islami Bank and United Commercial Bank are providing services through Grameenphone MobiCash.
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