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Happy Hormone Increased Happiness – DesheBideshe – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Happiness comes in life only when we can think of ourselves as happy. And the first requirement for this happiness is to have a good mind – to be happy.

Much depends on how happy you are or how happy you are.

Serotonin is responsible for changing human behavior. This hormone controls not only the brain but the whole body. This is basically called happy hormone.

You can increase the happy hormones in the body yourself. How? Find out the secret:

খুলে Open your mind and smile as much as you can
হাস Laughing with the mind keeps the heart healthy – depression goes away, life expectancy increases
Weight loss, better digestion
ভালো Lungs are good, breathing is normal
Sunlight increases serotonin in the body
চেষ্টা Try to stay in the sun for 30 minutes every day
খ Eating brown rice, cheese, bread and pineapple makes happy hormones in the body
মাত্র Just meditate for 20 minutes before going down in the evening.
লেও Praying also calms the mind, releases happy hormones in the mind and body
কাট Happiness and happy hormones will increase even if you spend time close to nature with your loved ones.

NH, 14 June