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Heartbleed security flaw: The biggest threat online right now

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bleeding-heart heartbleedThe word heartblood may have already caught your eye. Its effects are even more terrifying than they are literally. Heartblood in the technology world is a security flaw (or bug) in a data encryption system; It is said to exist in the popular open source encryption standard ‘OpenSSL’ Researchers Reported.

We regularly share personal confidential information on various websites and online services. Many personal matters are exchanged starting from username / password through social media sites, online banking services, chatting apps etc. This information is encrypted so that no one can eavesdrop on it when users come and go from the device. As a result of encryption, it is not possible for a third party to retrieve their meaning in the middle of information exchange.

But this openSSL encryption system itself contains a bug or error that could cause hackers to pass on encrypted data.

According to the researchers, the error has been present in OpenSSL for almost two years, which has not been noticed so far.

Since heartburn bugs are out of your control, staying safe from them is not easy at all. However, according to security experts, some precautionary measures can be taken. These are:

  • 1. Keep an eye out for official announcements from your online service provider to fix heartburn bugs. In this case, check the inbox of the e-mail address using which you have opened the account regularly. The online service provider must send an email when the security update arrives.
  • 2. Change your site’s old password when you find that your used online service provider’s site / service has a heartblood bug fix. As an added precaution, you can also change your password before receiving news of a bug fix. And turn on two-step verification (or two-factor verification / authentication) on all possible accounts.
  • 3. Monitor the activity logs of your various important online accounts such as social media, online banking, email etc. so that you can take action if you see any suspicious activity.

Find out which websites and online services have been / may be infected with heartburn This list Can see.

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